Indra Ranu Kusuma
Indra Ranu Kusuma
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Kajian teknis gejala magnetisasi pada linear generator untuk alternatif pembangkit listrik
WB Nugroho, IR Kusuma
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (1), G95-G98, 2014
Analysis of Electric Propulsion Performance on Submersible with Motor DC, Supply Power 10260AH at Voltage 115VDC
IR Kusuma, S Sarwito, RAWA Irawati
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (2), 2017
Design of automatic transfer switch ACOS with human machine interface monitoring system in shipboard application
S Sarwito, IR Kusuma, BH Waramory
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (1), 2016
Pelatihan dasar programmable logic controller (PLC) berbasis daring menggunakan PLC fiddle untuk guru SMK di surabaya
A Kurniawan, J Prananda, ES Koenhardono, S Sarwito, IR Kusuma, ...
Sewagati 5 (3), 278-285, 2021
Optimization 5× 195 kw chiller compressor motor with etap
N Azman, F Soleman, I Kusuma
Int. J. Adv. Trends Comput. Sci. Eng 9 (5), 7696-7703, 2020
Comparison of voltage harmonics in AC and DC shipboard electrical power distribution systems: A case study of 17,500 DWT tanker vessel
F Budianto, A Kurniawan, IR Kusuma, AR Kurniawan, ARN Gumilang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 972 (1), 012071, 2022
Design and simulation of automatic ballast system on catamaran ship based on programmable logic control
IR Kusuma
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (3), 2017
Modeling and control of ballast system to improve stability of catamaran boat
A Kurniawan, ES Koenhardono, IR Kusuma
2015 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent …, 2015
Aplikasi Sistem Propulsi Hybrid Shaft Generator (Propeller dan Waterjet) Pada Kapal Patroli Trimaran
ES Koenhardono, IR Kusuma, H Nugroho
Surabaya: ITS, 2012
Automatic Stacking Crane Prototype using Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560
S Sarwito, IR Kusuma, FA Cahyono
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (1), 2016
Analisa kapasitas daya listrik container crane untuk optimalisasi proses bongkar muat
M Iqbal, S Sarwito, IR Kusuma
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2011
Energi dan Produksi Bahan Bakar Gas
B Cahyono, IR Kusuma, A Santoso
Penerbit NEM, 2022
The Application of Vessel Integrated Automation Systems to Improve Ship Safety and Security
A Santoso, IR Kusuma, J Lin
Proceeding of the Marine Safety and Maritime Installation, Bali, Indonesia, 9-11, 2018
Designing Passive Harmonic Filter of Electric Propulsion System on Tanker Ship
IR Kusuma, S Semin, MB Zaman, FM Satrio
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 2 (3), 2018
Pelatihan Analisis Sistem Kelistrikan Kapal Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak untuk Fresh Graduate Departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS
A Kurniawan, J Prananda, E Koenhardono, S Sarwito, IR Kusuma, ...
Sewagati 6 (2), 178-183, 2022
Development of Power Management System for Electric Power Generation in Tanker Ship Based on Simulation
IR Kusuma, R Pratama
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (3), 2017
Pengembangan Model Perencanaan Himpunan Data Dan Aplikasi Instrumentasi Berbasis Pola Tujuh Belas Plus Pada Guru Bk/Konselor Smp Di Kabupaten Bondowoso
I Kusuma, SM Budiyanto
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial 25 (2), 86-97, 2015
Analisa Pemanfaatan Turbin Angin Sebagai Penghasil Energi Listrik Alternatif Di Pulau Panggang Kepulauan Seribu
S Bagaskara, S Sarwito, IR Kusuma
Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2008
Optimal Fuel Oil Consumption of Diesel Generators Using Particle Swarm Algorithm for AC and DC Distribution Radial Type on Trimaran Ship
IR Kusuma, MB Zaman, S Sarwito, KH Ghazali, DC Ramadhan
International Review on Modelling and Simulations 15 (4), 252-263, 2022
Comparison of Radial and Zonal DC Distribution System for Hybrid-Powered Trimaran Vessels Power Flow Analysis
IR Kusuma, MB Zaman, S Sarwito, KH Ghazali
International Review of Electrical Engineering 17 (2), 141-153, 2022
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