Ali Hanafiah Rambe
Cited by
Cited by
A review of orbital angular momentum vortex waves for the next generation wireless communications
SK Noor, MNM Yasin, AM Ismail, MN Osman, PJ Soh, N Ramli, ...
Ieee Access 10, 89465-89484, 2022
Low complexity linear detectors for massive MIMO: A comparative study
MA Albreem, W Salah, A Kumar, MH Alsharif, AH Rambe, M Jusoh, ...
IEEE Access 9, 45740-45753, 2021
A patch antenna with enhanced gain and bandwidth for Sub-6 GHz and sub-7 GHz 5G wireless applications
SK Noor, M Jusoh, T Sabapathy, AH Rambe, H Vettikalladi, A M. Albishi, ...
Electronics 12 (12), 2555, 2023
A passive cooling system for increasing efficiency of solar panel output
SA Rakino, S Suherman, S Hasan, AH Rambe
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1373 (1), 012017, 2019
Rancang bangunan antena mikrostrip patch segiempat planar arry 4 elemen dengan pencatuan aperture-coupled untuk aplikasi CPE pada wimax
AH Rambe
Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Teknik, 2008
Rancang Bangun Antena Mikrostrip Patch Segiempat pada Frekuensi 2, 4 Ghz dengan Metode Pencaruan Inset
D Pasaribu
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2014
Antena Mikrostrip: Konsep dan Aplikasinya
AH Rambe
Harvesting systems for rf energy: trends, challenges, techniques, and tradeoffs
S Muhammad, JJ Tiang, SK Wong, AH Rambe, I Adam, A Smida, MI Waly, ...
Electronics 11 (6), 959, 2022
A low profile rectangular patch microstrip antenna for dual-band operation of wireless communication system
AH Rambe, K Abdillah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 309 (1), 012046, 2018
Design and simulation hybrid filter for 17 level multilevel inverter
MA Hutabarat, S Hasan, AH Rambe, S Suherman
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (3), 886-897, 2020
Investigation on wearable antenna under different bending conditions for wireless body area network (WBAN) applications
I Adam, MR Kamarudin, AH Rambe, N Haris, HA Rahim, ...
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2021 (1), 5563528, 2021
Analisis Antena Mikrostrip Patch Segiempat dengan Teknik Planar Array
MN Silalahi
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2013
Bandwidth enhancement of rectangular patch microstrip antenna using left handed metamaterial at 2.4 GHz
AH Rambe, MW Sitopu, S Suherman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012054, 2018
Rancang Bangun Antena Mikrostrip Array Patch Segiempat Dual-Band (2, 3 GHz dan 3, 3 GHz) dengan Pencatuan Proximity Coupled
F Deriko
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2015
Studi Perancangan Saluran Pencatu untuk Antena Mikrostrip Array Elemen 2x2 dengan Pencatuan Aperture Coupled
PA Alfadil
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2013
Rancang Bangun Antena Mikrostrip Patch Segiempat dengan Teknik Planar Array Untuk Aplikasi Wireless-LAN
W Indani, AH Rambe
Jurnal Singuda Ensikom 1 (2), 47-52, 2013
Machine learning-based technique for resonance and directivity prediction of UMTS LTE band quasi Yagi antenna
MA Haque, D Saha, SS Al-Bawri, LC Paul, MA Rahman, F Alshanketi, ...
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
A compact 2.4 GHz L-shaped microstrip patch antenna for ISM-band Internet of Things (IoT) applications
MF Zambak, SS Al-Bawri, M Jusoh, AH Rambe, H Vettikalladi, AM Albishi, ...
Electronics 12 (9), 2149, 2023
Measuring the power consumption of social media applications on a mobile device
AIM Dunia, AH Rambe, R Fauzi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978 (1), 012104, 2018
Analisa Penentuan Ukuran Slot Pada Karateristik Antena Mikrostrip Patch Segiempat Dengan Pencatu Apeteur Coupled
HF Sidauruk, AH Rambe
Singuda ENSIKOM 10 (27), 65-70, 2015
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Articles 1–20