Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence
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Application of association rule method using apriori algorithm to find sales patterns case study of indomaret tanjung anom
MH Santoso
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (2), 54-66, 2021
Literature study of convolutional neural network algorithm for batik classification
ND Girsang
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 1-7, 2021
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
M Khaleel, AA Ahmed, A Alsharif
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), 32-42, 2023
Intelligent control techniques for microgrid systems
M Khaleel
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), 56-67, 2023
Artificial intelligent techniques for identifying the cause of disturbances in the power grid
M Khaleel, SA Abulifa, AA Abulifa
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), 19-31, 2023
Current perspectives on the strategic future of the poultry industry after the COVID-19 outbreak
A Samad, M Hamza, A Muazzam, A Ahmer, S Tariq, S Ahmad, ...
Brilliance: Research of artificial intelligence 2 (3), 90-96, 2022
Escherichia coli spp, Staph albus and Klebseilla spp were affected by some Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Bani Waleed City
AA Mohammed, A Samad, OA Omar
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (2), 66-70, 2022
Design and build a soil nutrient measurement tool for citrus plants using NPK soil sensors based on the internet of things
H Pratama, A Yunan, RA Candra
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (2), 67-74, 2021
Effects of COVID-19 on environmental conditions and poultry production
A Ahmer, M Hamza, A Muazzam, A Samad, S Tariq, S Ahmad, ...
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (3), 97-101, 2022
Prototype of IoT-Based Fruit Alcohol Level Measurement Tool
N Nursila, DN Ilham, A Yunan, MK Harahap, RA Candra
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 8-13, 2021
Opening doors using internet of things (IoT) based face recognition
W Ariansyah, DN Ilham, RA Candra
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (2), 2021
Role of AI in business management
B Pendy
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), 48-55, 2023
Design of smoke detector for smart room based on arduino uno
DN Ilham, RA Candra, MS Talib, M di Nardo, K Azima
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 13-18, 2021
An overview of the most common vehicle suspension problems
A Aboazoum
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (3), 120-124, 2022
Decision support system for high school entrance selection
R Zubaedah, H Prasetyo
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (2), 71-74, 2022
Opening Doors Using Internet Of Things (IoT) Based Face Recognition, Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence, 1 (2), 32–37
W Ariansyah, DN Ilham, K Khairuman, RA Candra
Analysis of Web-Based E-Learning Management System Business Proccess to Increase Learning Effectiveness at SMAABC Bandung
R Samihardjo, E Amalia, AC Pamungkas
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 3 (2), 329-337, 2023
Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Composites and its Application; A Review
MRH Alhakeem
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (3), 134-144, 2022
Microcontroller Based Automatic Light Monitoring Implementation Using Sound Sensor
O Lumbantobing
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (2), 49-52, 2022
A Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus infection in Expatriate workers and Libyan people in Darna: Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and …
HK Ibrahim, M Al douakali Ali, AM Al Al-awkally, NM Al-awkally, A Yousuf
Brilliance: Research of Artificial Intelligence 2 (2), 31-37, 2022
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