Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K)-FER
Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K)-FER
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Analysis of factors influencing female infertility
I Indarwati, URB Hastuti, YLR Dewi
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2 (2), 150-161, 2017
Health belief model on the factors associated with the use of HPV vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Kediri, East Java
RR Nugrahani, UR Budihastuti, EP Pamungakasari
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health 2 (1), 70-81, 2017
Prevalence and determinants of postpartum depression in Sukoharjo District, Central Java
R Putriarsih, UR Budihastuti, B Murti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 3 (1), 11-24, 2018
Optimizing the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding for breast milk production among post-partum mothers
LP Sari, H Salimo, UR Budihastuti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2 (01), 20-29, 2017
Risk factors of postpartum depression at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
MB Ria, UR Budihastuti, A Sudiyanto
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 3 (1), 81-90, 2018
Hypnobreastfeeding Dapat Menurunkan Kecemasan Pada Ibu Post Partum
LP Sari, H Salimo, UR Budihastuti
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional 4 (1), 20-27, 2019
The Effectiveness of Hypnobirthing in Reducing Anxiety Level During Delivery
PSU Imannura, UR Budhiastuti, E Poncorini
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 1 (3), 200-204, 2016
Analysis of Life-Course Factors Influencing Growth and Development in Children under 3 Years Old of Early Marriage Women in Kediri
UR Wulandari, UR Budihastuti, EP Pamungkasari
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2 (2), 137-149, 2017
Effect of Hormonal Contraceptive on Sexual Life, Body Mass Index, Skin Health, and Uterine Bleeding, in Women of Reproduction Age in Jombang, East Java
EP Yosin, A Mudigdo, UR Budihastuti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 1 (3), 146-160, 2016
Efficacy of yoga exercise to reduce anxiety in pregnancy: a meta-analysis using randomized controlled trials.
SA Ningrum, UR Budihastuti, H Prasetya
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 4 (2), 118-125, 2019
Path Analysis on the Determinants of Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Utilization on Early Detection of Cervical Cancer: Application of Health Belief Model Theory
EA Sunarta, ES Sulaeman, UR Budihastuti
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior 4 (1), 32-42, 2019
Effectiveness of health promotion by Indonesian Breastfeeding Association in increasing exclusive breastfeeding practice in Surabaya City, East Java.
DO Handajani, EP Pamungkasari, UR Budihastuti
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior 3 (1), 1-15, 2018
Risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage in Bondowoso District, East Java
R Puspitasari, URB Hastuti, B Murti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2 (2), 176-186, 2017
Electroacupuncture Effect on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome to Improve Oocytes' Growth
UR Budihastuti, E Melinawati, S Sulistyowati, I Nurwati
Medical Acupuncture 31 (6), 379-383, 2019
The Influence of personal factor, husband’s support, health workers and peers toward the use of IVA Screening among women of reproductive age in the regency of Karanganyar
MS Wakhidah, URB Hastuti, YLR Dewi
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior 2 (2), 124-137, 2017
Menopause and biopsychosocial factors associated with quality of life in women in Surakarta, Central Java
DH Ermawati, UR Budihastuti, B Murti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 3 (2), 119-127, 2018
Path Analysis of Factors which Correlated with Dysmenorrhea
D Ertiana, M Akhyar, UR Budihastuti
Indonesian Journal of Medicine 1 (2), 136-145, 2016
Analysis of Factors Affecting Childbirth with Caesarean in Kediri, Indonesia
D Rahmawati, D Tamtomo, UR Budihastuti
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 1 (1), 34-40, 2016
Effect of social suport and social interaction on anxiety among pregnant women.
ID Simarmata, UR Budihastuti, D Tamtomo
Journal of Maternal and Child Health 4 (4), 287-293, 2019
PRECEDE-PROCEED Model: Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Factors Affecting the Selection of Birth Attendant in Bondowoso District
IM Pramiyana, URB Hastuti, B Murti
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior 2 (2), 159-172, 2017
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