M Syaom Barliana
Cited by
Cited by
The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Multimedia Based on Motion Graphic in Concept Mastering Enhancement and Fashion Designing Skill in Digital Format.
W Wiana, MS Barliana, AA Riyanto
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 13 (2), 2018
The use of quantitative research method and statistical data analysis in dissertation: an evaluation study
D Disman, M Ali, MS Barliana
International Journal of Education 10 (1), 46-52, 2017
Tradisionalitas dan modernitas tipologi arsitektur masjid
MSB Iskandar
DIMENSI: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment 32 (2), 2004
Perkembangan arsitektur masjid: suatu transformasi bentuk dan ruang
MS Barliana
Historia 9 (2), 2008
Arsitektur, Urbanitas, dan Pendidikan Budaya Berkota
MS Barliana, D Cahyani
Deepublish 500, 281, 2014
Arsitektur, komunitas, dan modal sosial
MS Barliana
Kerja sama Metatekstur dengan Laboratorium Sejarah Arsitektur, Kota, dan …, 2010
Semiotika: Tentang membaca tanda-tanda
MS Barliana
Diakses dari: http://www. academia. edu/1045086 …, 2008
Technology literacy level of vocational high school students
ND Herman, J Maknun, MS Barliana, R Mardiana
5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and …, 2019
Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Communication Skills in Business Group: Ethno-Andragogy Approach to Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ethnographic study: Processed …
A Haris, MS Barliana, D Saripudin, AG Abdullah
5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and …, 2019
The level of environmental literacy toward vocational high school students in West Java Province
J Maknun, MS Barliana, D Cahyani
INVOTEC 12 (2), 2016
A design model of special vocational high school for children with visual impairment
J Maknun, MS Barliana, D Cahyani
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 4 (2), 158-170, 2019
Tradisionalitas dan modernitas tipologi arsitektur masjid
MS Barliana
Kerja sama Metatekstur dengan Laboratorium Sejarah & Teori Arsitektur …, 2010
Implementation of project-based learning method to increase transferable skills of vocational high school students
S Astarina, MS Barliana, DC Permana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2), 022065, 2020
How has a pedagogical approach influenced the technical education curriculum? An analysis based on the literature review system
IY Wulandari, B Mulyanti, I Widiaty, MS Berliana, A Ana, E Nugraha, ...
Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 17 (2), 1188-1199, 2022
Problem solving improvement through the teaching factory model
S Subekti, A Ana, MS Barliana, I Khoerunnisa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2), 022044, 2019
Inheritance pattern of vocational skills: An Ethno-Andragogic study on construction workers in Indonesia
L Widaningsih, MS Barliana, T Aryanti, E Malihah
Journal of technical education and training 10 (2), 2018
Systematic Literature Review on Opportunities and Challenges of Vocational Education Business Incubators in Indonesia
AY Rukmana, MS Barliana, I Widiaty, A Hamdani, AG Abdullah, B Harto, ...
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18 (5), e05591-e05591, 2024
Transferable Skills Needed in the Workplace.
A Ana, L Alhapip, MS Barliana, Y Rahmawati, V Dwiyanti
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 34, 2020
The urban quality, public space, and social capital: departing from comparison of three cities
MS Barliana, DP Cahyani, B Paramita
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 4 (1), 180-190, 2014
Hubungan pengalaman berarsitektur dengan kreativitas desain mahasiswa
ES Marlinda, MS Barliana, E Krisnanto
Jurnal Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 9 (1), 2013
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Articles 1–20