M. Zaini Miftah
M. Zaini Miftah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
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Cited by
Enhancing writing skill through writing process approach
MZ Miftah
Journal on English as a Foreign Language 5 (1), 9-24, 2015
Distance learning in primary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Challenges, solutions, and projections
C Pramana, R Susanti, K Ernawati, PA Darmawan, MZ Miftah, ...
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (4), 263-270, 2021
Students’ perception of the use of Grammarly in undergraduate thesis writing
RA Fitria, S Sabarun, MZ Miftah
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education) 5 (2), 366-371, 2022
Investigating the Iranian EFL learners’ attitudes towards the implementation of e-portfolios in English learning and assessment
E Namaziandost, S Alekasir, MHM Sawalmeh, MZ Miftah
Cogent Education 7 (1), 1856764, 2020
Utilization of Edmodo as an online tool in EFL writing class to increase students’ writing ability
MZ Miftah
Register Journal 11 (1), 37-58, 2018
Implementation of intensive-extensive reading strategy to improve reading comprehension
MZ Miftah
Journal on English as a Foreign Language 3 (1), 21-30, 2013
Analysis of deixis in the article selected from the Jakarta Post
MZ Miftah
Proceedings of International Conference: Role of International Languages …, 2016
Developing materials of listening comprehension for the English department students
A Qodir, L Baehaqi, MZ Miftah
Journal on English as a Foreign Language 6 (1), 1-20, 2016
Improving the tenth-year students’ writing ability at MA Mambaus Sholihin Gresik through mind mapping
MZ Miftah
LINGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra 5 (2), 178-192, 2010
Assessing students’ writing ability in a narrative text
AK Wardana, MZ Miftah, AA Mirza
Project (Professional Journal Of English Education) 5 (4), 766–771, 2022
Venn-diagram strategy in EFL class to enhance learners' writing skill and motivation
ML Syafii, MZ Miftah
Journal on English as a Foreign Language 10 (1), 141-162, 2020
Grammar-translation method affects students’ reading comprehension and motivation
R Kurniawan, MZ Miftah, Z Qamariah
International Journal of Research on English Teaching and Applied …, 2021
Enhancing writing ability through idea listing technique
MZ Miftah
JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies) 2 (1), 62-83, 2015
Cohesive devices (CDS) in expository essay written by Indonesian students of English as a foreign language (EFL)
LM Nilopa, MZ Miftah, A Sugianto
Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics 6 (2), 54-68, 2017
Increasing EFL Studentsā€™ Writing Abilities Using Peer Response Activities via Facebook
MZ Miftah
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature 2 (2), 1-27, 2016
Collaborative writing assisted with Edmodo learning management system in Indonesian EFL classes: Learners’ attitudes and learning engagement
MZ Miftah, BY Cahyono
Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ) 23 (2), 108-131, 2022
Implementing project-based learning in scientific writing class
MZ Miftah
Proceedings of the 3 rd ELITE International Conference: Developing …, 2016
Preservice teachers’ reflections on English teaching practicum for professional development: A bibliometric analysis
MZ Miftah, Y Basthomi, A Syahid
Pedagogika 147 (3), 198-226, 2022
Students’ Perception of the Use of Grammarly in Undergraduate Thesis Writing. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 5 (2), 366–371
RA Fitria, S Sabarun, MZ Miftah
Preservice teachers’ pedagogical competence and transformative learning in a dual online-offline teaching practicum
MZ Miftah, U Widiati, AN Wulyani, TIST Sharif
Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 43 (2), 2024
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Articles 1–20