Riza Arifudin
Riza Arifudin
Dosen Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Email yang diverifikasi di mail.unnes.ac.id - Beranda
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Dikutip oleh
Studi komparasi model pembelajaran traditional flipped dengan peer instruction flipped terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah
EN Adhitiya, A Prabowo, R Arifudin
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 4 (2), 2015
Android-based computer assisted instruction development as a learning resource for supporting self-regulated learning.
P Hendikawati, MZ Zahid, R Arifudin
International Journal of Instruction 12 (3), 389-404, 2019
Optimasi penjadwalan proyek dengan penyeimbangan biaya menggunakan kombinasi CPM dan algoritma genetika
R Arifudin
Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika 2 (4), 1-14, 2012
K-nearest neighbor and naive Bayes classifier algorithm in determining the classification of healthy card Indonesia giving to the poor
YF Safri, R Arifudin, MA Muslim
Sci. J. Informatics 5 (1), 18, 2018
Keefektifitan media pembelajaran berbasis android terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan kemandirian belajar
P Hendikawati, MZ Zahid, R Arifudin
PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 2, 917-927, 2019
Improve the accuracy of support vector machine using chi square statistic and term frequency inverse document frequency on movie review sentiment analysis
UI Larasati, MA Muslim, R Arifudin, A Alamsyah
Scientific Journal of Informatics 6 (1), 138-149, 2019
Sistem Informasi Tracer Study Alumni Universitas Negeri Semarang Dengan Aplikasi Digital Maps
ZA Nugroho, R Arifudin
Scientific Journal of Informatics 1 (2), 153-160, 2014
Autocomplete and spell checking levenshtein distance algorithm to getting text suggest error data searching in library
MM Yulianto, R Arifudin, A Alamsyah
Scientific Journal of Informatics 5 (1), 75, 2018
Expert System for Determination of Type Lenses Glasses Using Forward Chaining Method
AA Pramesti, R Arifudin, E Sugiharti
Scientific Journal of Informatics 3 (2), 177-188, 2016
Aplikasi teori antrian dan simulasi pada pelayanan teller bank
F Farkhan, P Hendikawati, R Arifudin
Unnes Journal of Mathematics 2 (1), 2013
Implementation of decision tree and dempster shafer on expert system for lung disease diagnosis
AM Alfatah, R Arifudin, MA Muslim
Scientific Journal of Informatics 5 (1), 57, 2018
Implementation of ERP system functionalities for data acquisition based on API at the study program of Universities
K Budiman, AT Putra, E Sugiharti, MA Muslim, R Arifudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (4), 042151, 2021
An Analysis of User Interface and User Experience Using System Usability Scale and GOMS Method
F Sujito, R Arifudin, FY Arini
Journal of Advances in Information Systems and Technology 1 (1), 65-73, 2019
Aplikasi Mobile Learning Berbasis Android
EA Wibowo, R Arifudin
Unnes Journal of Mathematics 5 (2), 108-117, 2016
Decision support systems with ahp and saw method for determination of cattle with superior seeds
CA Josaputri, E Sugiharti, R Arifudin
Scientific Journal of Informatics 3 (2), 119-128, 2016
Peramalan Harga Emas Menggunakan Fuzzy Time Series Markov Chain Model
N Rukhansah, MA Muslim, R Arifudin
Komputaki 2 (1), 2016
Implementasi Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis) untuk Peramalan Pemakaian Air di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Tirta Moedal Semarang
U Hani'ah, R Arifudin, E Sugiharti
Scientific Journal of Informatics 3 (1), 76-87, 2016
Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Course Review Horray Terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Minat Belajar Siswa
AA Pramadita, M Mashuri, R Arifudin
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education 2 (2), 2013
Implementation of Analytic Network Process Method on Decision Support System of Determination of Scholarship Recipient at House of Lazis Charity UNNES
PO Rahmanda, R Arifudin, MA Muslim
Scientific Journal of Informatics 4 (2), 199-207, 2017
Low-cost educational robotics for promoting STEM education
Z Abidin, R Arifudin, W Hardyanto, I Akhlis, R Umer, N Kurniawan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (4), 042018, 2021
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