Ani Retno Prijanti
Ani Retno Prijanti
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Pengaruh hipoksia berkelanjutan terhadap kadar malondialdehid, glutation tereduksi dan aktivitas katalase ginjal tikus
E Asni, IP Harahap, AR Prijanti, SI Wanandi, SWA Jusman, M Sadikin
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia 59 (12), 595-600, 2009
Oxidative stress induced damage and early senescence in preterm placenta
YB Saroyo, N Wibowo, R Irwinda, AR Prijanti, E Yunihastuti, S Bardosono, ...
Journal of Pregnancy 2021 (1), 9923761, 2021
Hantaran sinyal leptin dan obesitas: hubungannya dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler
D Limanan
eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia, 144-155, 2013
Diagnostic role of urine specific gravity to detect kidney impairment on heat-exposed workers in a shoe factory in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study
G Nainggolan, D Soemarko, P Siregar, A Lydia, S Bardosono, AR Prijanti, ...
BMJ open 11 (9), e047328, 2021
Development of double-layered alginate-chitosan hydrogels for human stem cell microencapsulation
RW Nurhayati, RD Cahyo, K Alawiyah, G Pratama, E Agustina, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2193 (1), 2019
Analysis of oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde, glutathione, nitric oxid, and prorenin level in preeclampsia placental tissues
PY Prijanti AR, Marissa N, Paramita R, Humaira S, Nabila EN, Wijaya AE ...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11 (2018), accepted, 2018
Schizonticidal effect of a combination of Amaranthus spinosus L. and Andrographis paniculata Burm. f./Nees extracts in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice
T Susantiningsih, R Ridwan, AR Prijanti, M Sadikin, HJ Freisleben
Medical Journal of Indonesia 21 (2), 66-70, 2012
Effects of moderate-intensity exercise training on stress oxidative marker: malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase activity in abdominal aorta of juvenile rats
EII Ilyas, TP Utami, M Siagian, DIS Santoso, AR Prijanti, U Indonesia, ...
International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH 5 (12), 99-105, 2017
Biocurcumin as Radiosensitiser for Cervical Cancer Study (BRACES): A Double‐Blind Randomised Placebo‐Controlled Trial
S Purbadi, P Rustamadji, AR Prijanti, SM Sekarutami, B Sutrisna, ...
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2020 (1), 1986793, 2020
SEMA3B but not CUL1 as marker for pre-eclampsia progression
TD Samara, IK Liem, AR Prijanti
The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS 26 (1), 66, 2019
Effect of Roselle Flower Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) on Reducing Steatosis and Steatohepatitis in Vitamin B12 Deficiency Rat Model
I Ujianti, IR Sianipar, AR Prijanti, I Hasan, W Arozal, AA Jusuf, H Wibowo, ...
Medicina 59 (6), 1044, 2023
Java Sea Spirulina platensis chemical analysis and its protective ability against H2O2-exposed umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells according to CD73, CD90, and CD105 …
AR Prijanti, RW Nurhayati, FC Iswanti, Z Khoiriyah, R Paramita, F Fadilah
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 12 (9), 067-075, 2022
Expression of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) gene and apoptosis in the heart induced by systemic hypoxia
S Hendrawan, SWA Jusman, F Ferdinal, AR Prijanti, SI Wanandi, ...
Medical Journal of Indonesia 18 (2), 97-101, 2009
Study of triterpene saponin compounds from Centella asitica as renin inhibitor with pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking and in-vitro evaluation
R Astiani, M Sadikin, A Rinayanti, W Arozal, AR Prijanti, F Fadilah, ...
Pharmacognosy Journal 15 (1), 2023
The Effects of Centella asiatica and Acalypha indica L. extracts on aging process
N Mudjihartini, R Paramita, AR Prijanti, PAN Sarsanti, F Fadilah, ...
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13 (2), 787-790, 2020
Hypoxia increased malondialdehyde from membrane damages is highly correlated to HIF-1α but not to renin expression in rat kidney
AR Prijanti, FC Iswanti, F Ferdinal, SWA Jusman, RR Soegianto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 217 (1), 012062, 2019
Correlation between hypoxia inducible factor-1α and renin expression in rats kidney induced by cobalt chloride
AR Prijanti, R Ranasasmita, Y Sandra, SI Wanandi
Medical Journal of Indonesia 21 (3), 128-32, 2012
Increase in transforming growth factor-β didnot affect trombospondin1 in preeclampsia placentas
AR Prijanti, NT Oktavia, FC Iswanti, N Mudjihartini, Y Purwosunu
Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 20 (1), 22, 2023
Increasing of LDH specific activity and PEPCK level play a role on activation of gluconeogenesis pathway in early onset pre-eeclampsia placenta
S Dewi, VR Triatmono, PRR Ralas, V Veraldi, IM Alfian, FC Iswanti, ...
Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 11 (2), 320, 2022
Relevance of calcium and vitamin D in supporting bone health: An expert panel recommendation in Indonesia
S Bardosono, A Hestiantoro, AMT Lubis, S Setiati, AR Prijanti, L Sutanto
Int J Nutr Food Sci 9 (2), 54-62, 2020
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