Prida Novarita Trisanti
Prida Novarita Trisanti
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Ekstraksi Selulosa dari Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Sengon melalui Proses Delignifikasi Alkali Ultrasonik
PN Trisanti, SSH Putra, E Nura’ini, S Sumarno
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 19 (3), 113-119, 2018
The Influence of Hydrolysis Time in Hydrothermal Process of Cellulose from Sengon Wood Sawdust
PN Trisanti, I Gunardi, S Sumarno
Macromolecular Symposia 391 (1), 2000016, 2020
Synthesis and characterization of composite gels starch-graftacrylic acid/bentonite (St-g-AA/B) using N’Nmethylenebisacrylamide (MBA)
TA Laksanawati, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 509 (1), 012150, 2019
Study of cassava starch degradation using sonication process in aqueous sodium chloride
B Airlangga, AM Sugianto, G Parahita, F Puspasari, NE Mayangsari, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (6), 2406-2413, 2021
Structural Properties Change of Cassava Starch Granule Induced by High Shear Mixer
B Airlangga, F Puspasari, PN Trisanti, JP Sutikno, S Sumarno
Starch‐Stärke, 2000004, 2020
Pemurnian Pasir Silika dengan Metode Leaching Asam dan bantuan Sonikasi
S Sumarno, PN Trisanti, M Januarty, Y Yuniarti
Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan, 12-1-G12. 8, 2015
The degradation of cellulose in ionic mixture solutions under the high pressure of carbon dioxide
PN Trisanti, B Airlangga, NE Mayangsari, A Haryono
RSC advances 11 (6), 3484-3494, 2021
Study of microcellular foaming of polystyrene aided with 45 kHz of ultrasound waves energy
FF Adam, RA Istiqomah, MA Budianto, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 59 (12), 1343-1349, 2020
Purification Process of Poly Methyl Methacrylate Products Made with Suspension Polymerization Techniques
MA Ariyanto, I Zulfa, KD Hernugrahanto, PN Trisanti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1053 (1), 012112, 2021
Effect of shear rate in high shear mixing process on the structure of cassava starch granule and reducing sugar product
F Puspasari, B Airlangga, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (1), 012135, 2019
Effect of amplitude on ultrasound treatment for reducing sugar production from cassava starch
B Airlangga, D Erlangga, LKM Solikhah, F Puspasari, I Gunardi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2085 (1), 020073, 2019
Ultrasound Pre-treatment for Intensification of Hydrothermal Process in Reducing Sugar Production from Cassava Starch
A Bramantyo, P Febriyati, I Gunardi, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 543 (1), 012085, 2019
Isolation of cellulose from teak wood using hydrothermal method
PN Trisanti, M Rifan, P Akbar, I Gunardi, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1), 2021
The effect of alkaline concentration in the alkaline delignification-assisted sonication on sengon wood
PN Trisanti, M Rifan, PA Arafat, I Gunardi, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1), 2021
The effect of water addition in inclusion formation of ketoprofen/β-cyclodextrin using supercritical CO2
PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 2085 (1), 020052, 2019
The influence of dissolved H2O content in supercritical carbon dioxide to the inclusion complexes formation of ketoprofen/β-cyclodextrin
J Goenawan, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 1699 (1), 2015
Synthesis and purification process of PMMA by suspension polymerization for bone cement material
NW Kurniasari, PN Trisanti, KD Hernugrahanto, F Ferdiansyah, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2703 (1), 2023
Preparation of starch-graft-acrylic acid/bentonite composite gel
KS Arum, EC Prastiti, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 2237 (1), 020029, 2020
Ketoprofen-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes formation by supercritical process technology
S Sumarno, R Rahim, PN Trisanti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1840 (1), 080010, 2017
The production of glucose from corn stalk using hydrothermal process with pre-treatment ultrasound assisted alkaline
D Yolanda, I Prasutiyo, PN Trisanti, S Sumarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 1699 (1), 040013, 2015
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Articles 1–20