MB Hendrie Anto
Cited by
Cited by
Introducing an Islamic human development index (I-HDI) to measure development in OIC countries
MB Anto
Islamic Economic Studies 19 (2), 2011
Financing risk in Indonesian Islamic rural banks: do financing products matter?
A Widarjono, MB Anto, F Fakhrunnas
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (9), 305-314, 2020
Hendrie. 2003
MB Anto
Pengantar Ekonomika Mikro Islami, 0
Study on factors influencing performance of the best Baitul Maal Wat Tamwils [BMTS] In Indonesia
MA Adnan, A Widarjono, MBH Anto
Jurnal Iqtisad 4 (1), 2003
MB Anto
Pengantar Ekonomika Mikro Islami, 2003
Ekonomi Indonesia Memasuki Milenium III
ES Hamid
UII Press, 2000
The determinants of non-performing loans in the indonesian banking industry: an asymmetric approach before and during the pandemic crisis
F Fakhrunnas, RNI Nugrohowati, R Haron, MBH Anto
SAGE Open 12 (2), 21582440221102421, 2022
Persepsi Stakeholder terhadap Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility: Kasus Pada Bank Syariah di DIY
MBH Anto, DR Astuti
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen 10 (1), 2008
The impact of inflation on Islamic banks' home financing risk: Before and during the COVID-19 outbreak
F Fakhrunnas, KT Yunice, MBH Anto
Banks and Bank Systems 16 (2), 78, 2021
Islamic banks’ financial stability and its determinants: A comparison study with conventional banks in Indonesia
ZB Pambuko, N Ichsan, MBH Anto
Iqtishadia J. Kaji. Ekon. dan Bisnis Islam 11 (2), 371-390, 2018
MB, 2003
H Anto
Pengantar Ekonomika Mikro Islami, Ekonosia, Yogyakarta, 0
Does market structure matter for Islamic rural banks’ profitability
A Widarjono, MBH Anto
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 24 (4), 393-406, 2020
Determinants of non-performing financing in Indonesian Islamic banks: A regional and sectoral analysis
F Fakhrunnas, RD Astuti, MBH Anto
Banks and Bank Systems 17 (4), 72-86, 2022
Performance measurement of Islamic banking in Indonesia using the maqashid sharia index method
AL Analia, MBH Anto
Proceeding of Conference on Islamic Management, Accounting, and Economics …, 2019
Islamic banks credit risk performance for home financing: Before and during Covid-19 pandemic
MBH Anto, F Fakhrunnas, YK Tumewang
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 113-125, 2022
The impact of inflation on Islamic banks’ home financing risk: Before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. Banks and Bank Systems, 16 (2), 78–90
F Fakhrunnas, YK Tumewang, MBH Anto
Is Islamic Bank More Stable Than Conventional Bank? Evidence From Islamic Rural Banks in Indonesia
A Widarjono, MBH Anto, F Fakhrunnas
International Journal of Financial Research 12 (2), 294-307, 2021
Hendrie dan Dwi Retno Astuti,“
MB Anto
Persepsi Stakeholder Terhadap Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility …, 2008
Sectoral Financing Concentration and Profitability of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
A Widarjono, MBH Anto, S Sidiq
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Islam 11 (1), 149-170, 2022
Tingkat Persaingan Dan Efisiensi Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Di Indonesia
N Afrianty, MBH Anto
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah 2 (1), 2019
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