Aryo Adhi Condro
Aryo Adhi Condro
IPB University
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Predicting hotspots and prioritizing protected areas for endangered primate species in Indonesia under changing climate
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
Biology 10 (2), 154, 2021
From coastal to montane forest ecosystems, using drones for multi-species research in the tropics
DA Rahman, ABY Sitorus, AA Condro
Drones 6 (1), 6, 2021
Retrieving the national main commodity maps in indonesia based on high-resolution remotely sensed data using cloud computing platform
AA Condro, Y Setiawan, LB Prasetyo, R Pramulya, L Siahaan
Land 9 (10), 377, 2020
Geographical analysis of the Javan deer distribution in Indonesia and priorities for landscape conservation
DA Rahman, AA Condro, P Rianti, B Masy’ud, S Aulagnier, G Semiadi
Journal for Nature Conservation 54, 125795, 2020
Assessing Sumatran Peat vulnerability to fire under various condition of ENSO phases using machine learning approaches
LB Prasetyo, Y Setiawan, AA Condro, K Kustiyo, EI Putra, N Hayati, ...
Forests 13 (6), 828, 2022
Drivers of three most charismatic mammalian species distribution across a multiple-use tropical forest landscape of Sumatra, Indonesia
DA Rahman, Y Santosa, I Purnamasari, AA Condro
Animals 12 (19), 2722, 2022
Measuring metrics of climate change and its implication on the endangered mammal conservation in the Leuser Ecosystem
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 713837, 2021
Short-term projection of Bornean orangutan spatial distribution based on climate and land cover change scenario
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati
Sixth International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite 11372, 432-439, 2019
Model Distribusi Spesies: Maximum Entrophy
DA Rahman, AA Condro, MMS Giri
PT Penerbit IPB Press, 2022
Projected impacts of climate change and anthropogenic effects on habitat distribution of endangered Javan Hawk-Eagle in Indonesia
AA Condro, S Tsuyuki
Geography and Sustainability 5 (2), 241-250, 2024
Climate change leads to range contraction for Japanese population of the Oriental Honey-Buzzards: Implications for future conservation strategies
AA Condro, H Higuchi, YA Mulyani, R Raffiudin, L Rusniarsyah, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 34, e02044, 2022
Papua bioregion: The forest and its people
MF Barri, AA Condro, I Apriani, E Cahyono, DD Prawardani, A Hamdani, ...
Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI). Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 1, 2019
Protected areas slow down tropical rainforest disturbance in the Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
Journal of Land Use Science 17 (1), 454-470, 2022
Population estimates of the endangered Javan hawk-eagle based on habitat distribution modeling and patch occupancy surveys
Syartinilia, YA Mulyani, RA Suyitno, AA Condro, S Tsuyuki, S Van Balen
Journal of Raptor Research 57 (4), 581-594, 2023
Refining National Forest Cover Data Based on Fusion Optical Satellite Imageries in Indonesia
OD Aulia, I Apriani, A Juanda, MF Barri, RW Dewi, FN Muharam, ...
International Journal of Forestry Research 2023 (1), 7970664, 2023
Bioregion Papua: Hutan dan Manusianya
MF Barri, AA Condro, I Apriani, E Cahyono, DD Prawardani, A Hamdani, ...
Hasil studi baseline mengenai hutan dan manusia di bioregion Papua. Forest …, 2019
New distributional records, conservation status and propagation of the critically endangered and narrow endemic tree Actinodaphne quercina Blume (Lauraceae)
DS Rinandio, AA Condro, E Primananda, E Rahma, A Laila, I Robiansyah
Journal for Nature Conservation 79, 126613, 2024
Thermal Drone Technology Used to Capture Thermoregulation in Wild Sumatran Elephants
RD Wijayanto, AA Condro, DA Rahman
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 30 (6), 1061-1070, 2023
Redistribution of Sumatran orangutan in the Leuser ecosystem due to dispersal constraints and climate change
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 771 (1), 012006, 2021
Assessing the Agreement between Deforestation Maps of Kalimantan from Various Sources
D Suyamto, AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, Y Setiawan, AK Wijayanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 556 (1), 012011, 2020
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Articles 1–20