Retantyo Wardoyo
Retantyo Wardoyo
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Cited by
Fuzzy multi-attribute decision making (fuzzy madm)
S Kusumadewi, S Hartati, A Harjoko, R Wardoyo
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu 74, 2006
Time complexity analysis of support vector machines (SVM) in LibSVM
A Abdiansah, R Wardoyo
Int. J. Comput. Appl 128 (3), 28-34, 2015
Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (Fuzzy MADM)
K Sri, S Hartati, A Harjoko, R Wardoyo
Graha Ilmu. Yogyakarta, 2006
SMOTE for handling imbalanced data problem: A review
GA Pradipta, R Wardoyo, A Musdholifah, INH Sanjaya, M Ismail
2021 sixth international conference on informatics and computing (ICIC), 1-8, 2021
Batik classification with artificial neural network based on texture-shape feature of main ornament
AA Kasim, R Wardoyo, A Harjoko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 13 (6), 55, 2017
Radius-SMOTE: a new oversampling technique of minority samples based on radius distance for learning from imbalanced data
GA Pradipta, R Wardoyo, A Musdholifah, INH Sanjaya
IEEE Access 9, 74763-74777, 2021
Electre methods in solving group decision support system bioinformatics on gene mutation detection simulation
SH Ermatita, R Wardoyo, A Harjoko
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol 3 (1), 40-52, 2011
Review of image compression and encryption techniques
E Setyaningsih, R Wardoyo
International journal of advanced computer science and applications 8 (2), 2017
An expert system using certainty factor for determining insomnia acupoint
EP Gunawan, R Wardoyo
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 12 (2), 119-128, 2018
Retantyo Wardoyo. 2006
S Kusumadewi, S Hartati, A Harjoko
Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making (FUZZY MADM). Edisi Pertama Cetakan …, 0
Securing color image transmission using compression-encryption model with dynamic key generator and efficient symmetric key distribution
E Setyaningsih, R Wardoyo, AK Sari
Digital Communications and Networks 6 (4), 486-503, 2020
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Webgis Pariwisata Kabupaten Sumba Timur
AR Tanaamah, R Wardoyo
Jurnal Informatika 9 (2), 150-158, 2008
Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Asisten Dosen Menggunakan Kombinasi Metode Profile Matching dan TOPSIS Berbasis Web Service
R Somya, R Wardoyo
Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Informatika 5 (1), 44-50, 2019
Survey: Models and Prototypes of Schema Matching.
E Sutanta, R Wardoyo, K Mustofa, E Winarko
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 6 (3), 2016
Integrated AHP, Profile Matching, and TOPSIS for selecting type of goats based on environmental and financial criteria
AKS Clara Hetty Primasari, Retantyo Wardoyo
International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 4 (1), 28-39, 2018
Fuzzy-Klassen model for development disparities analysis based on gross regional domestic product sector of a region
TA Munandar, R Wardoyo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03191, 2016
Group decision support system determination of best employee using Topsis and Borda
MA Budhi, R Wardoyo
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 11 (2), 165-176, 2017
SPK Rekomendasi Pemilihan Kandidat Pejabat Struktural Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching (Studi Kasus: Pemerintah Kota Tarakan)
R Astriratma, R Wardoyo, A Musdholifah
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 11 (1), 77-88, 2017
Selection of most appropriate backpropagation training algorithm in data pattern recognition
H Mustafidah, S Hartati, R Wardoyo, A Harjoko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.4727, 2014
Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Teorema Bayes untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kehamilan
AK Nugroho, R Wardoyo
BIMIPA 23 (3), 247-254, 2013
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Articles 1–20