Eddy Agus Basuki
Eddy Agus Basuki
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Cited by
Interdiffusion behaviour in aluminide-coated René 80H at 1150° C
E Basuki, A Crosky, B Gleeson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 224 (1-2), 27-32, 1997
Alloys developed for high temperature applications
EA Basuki, DH Prajitno, F Muhammad
AIP Conference Proceedings 1805 (1), 2017
Paduan logam untuk aplikasi temperatur tinggi dan penghematan energi
EA Basuki
Bandung: Penerbit ITB, 2016
The antimicrobial activity and characterization of the cast titanium copper alloys with variations of copper content
AA Korda, S Munawaroh, EA Basuki
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 547 (1), 012002, 2019
Improving the hot corrosion resistance of γ/γ’in Fe-Ni superalloy coated with Cr3C2-20NiCr and NiCrAlY using HVOF thermal spray coating
S Septianissa, B Prawara, EA Basuki, E Martides, E Riyanto
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 17 (12), 221231, 2022
Effect of hydroxyapatite/alumina composite coatings using HVOF on immersion behavior of NiTi alloys
KW Widantha, EA Basuki, E Martides, B Prawara
Journal of Biomaterials Applications 36 (3), 375-384, 2021
Interdiffusion behavior of aluminide coated two-phase α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl alloys at high temperatures
EA Basuki, MI Yuliansyah, FM Rahman, F Muhammad, D Prajitno
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 48 (5), 534-549, 2016
Hot corrosion of aluminide coated Ti-Al-Cr-Nb-Zr-Y intermetallic alloys
E Basuki, F Mohammad, A Fauzi, D Prajitno
Advanced Materials Research 1112, 363-366, 2015
Cyclic oxidation of aluminide coated two phase α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl alloys at 1000oC
EA Basuki, DS Hajar, F Rahman, D Prajitno
Procedia Chemistry 16, 47-52, 2015
Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at Temperatures of 900and 950 o c for 5 Minutes on Microstructural Formation of Fe-25Ni-17Cr Austenitic Stainless Steel
M Dani, S Mustofa, S Parikin, T Sudiro, B Hermanto, DR Adhika, A Insani, ...
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 2020
Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of 69.5 Fe‐14Ni‐9Al‐7.5 Cr Alloy at High Temperatures
EA Basuki, DC Nababan, F Muhammad, AA Korda, DH Prajitno
International Journal of Corrosion 2019 (1), 8517648, 2019
Improving hot corrosion resistance of two phases intermetallic alloy α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl with enamel coating
MJ Pambudi, EA Basuki, DH Prajitno
AIP Conference Proceedings 1805 (1), 2017
Quality characterization of HVOF thermal spray coating with NiCr matrix composite for protection application of coal fired boiler tubes
The 1st Materials Research Society Indonesia Conference and Congress 432 …, 2017
Oxidation behavior of aluminide coated Ti-Al-Cr-Nb-Zr-Y alloys at high temperatures
E Basuki, D Prajitno, P Pawawoi
Solid State Phenomena 227, 345-348, 2015
Interdiffusion Behavior in an Aluminide Coated Nickel‐Base Alloy at 1150° C
B Gleeson, E Basuki, A Crosky
Elevated Temperature Coatings: Science and Technology IV, 119-132, 2001
Effect of temperature patterns on iron nugget formation in fluxless processing of titanomagnetite
Z Zulhan, CL Sutandar, I Suryani, EA Basuki
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8941, 2022
Effect of briquette thickness on iron nugget formation in fluxless processing of iron sand concentrate under isothermal–temperature gradient profiles
Z Zulhan, H Za, EA Basuki
ISIJ International 62 (3), 487-495, 2022
Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of Ferritic Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy at High Temperatures
EA Basuki, N Adrianto, R Triastomo, AA Korda, TL Achmad, F Muhammad, ...
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 54 (2), 370-382, 2022
High Temperature Oxidation of Zr-2.5% wt Nb Alloys Doped with Yttrium
DH Prajitno, S Soepriyanto, EA Basuki, S Wiryolukito
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 5 (3-4), 154-158, 2015
Isothermal oxidation behavior of ternary Zr-Nb-Y alloys at high temperature
DH Prajitno, S Soepriyanto, EA Basuki, S Wiryolukito
AIP Conference Proceedings 1589 (1), 182-186, 2014
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Articles 1–20