Ir. Wahyu Triyoso, M.Sc, Ph.D
Ir. Wahyu Triyoso, M.Sc, Ph.D
Assoc. Prof. at Geophysics Department, Bandung Institute of Technology
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Peta sumber dan bahaya gempa Indonesia tahun 2017
M Irsyam
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perumahan dan Permukiman, Badan Penelitian …, 2017
The Sumatran fault zone—From source to hazard
DH Natawidjaja, W Triyoso
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 1 (01), 21-47, 2007
Development of the 2017 national seismic hazard maps of Indonesia
M Irsyam, PR Cummins, M Asrurifak, L Faizal, DH Natawidjaja, ...
Earthquake Spectra 36 (1_suppl), 112-136, 2020
Ringkasan Hasil Studi Tim Revisi Peta Gempa Indonesia 2010
M Irsyam, W Sengara, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, W Triyoso, ...
Bandung: Tim Revisi Gempa Indonesia, 2010
The 2018 Mw7.5 Palu ‘supershear’ earthquake ruptures geological fault's multisegment separated by large bends: results from integrating field measurements …
DH Natawidjaja, MR Daryono, G Prasetya, PLF Liu, ND Hananto, ...
Geophysical Journal International 224 (2), 985-1002, 2021
Development of spectral hazard map for Indonesia with a return period of 2500 years using probabilistic method
M Asrurifak, M Irsyam, B Budiono, W Triyoso, H Hendriyawan
Civil Engineering Dimension 12 (1), 52-62, 2010
Karakterisasi sumber gempa Yogyakarta 2006 berdasarkan data GPS
C Sulaeman, LC Dewi, W Triyoso
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 3 (1), 49-56, 2008
Development of spectral hazard maps for a proposed revision of the Indonesian Seismic Building Code
M Irsyam, M Asrurifak, Hendriyawan, B Budiono, W Triyoso, A Firmanti
Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal 5 (1), 35-47, 2010
Seismic Hazard Function (SHF) study of coastal sources of Sumatra Island: SHF evaluation of Padang and Bengkulu cities
TYDPS Wahyu Triyoso, Aris Suwondo
Geoscience Letter, 2020
M Irsyam, S Widiyantoro, DH Natawidjaja, I Meilano, A Rudyanto, ...
Peta sumber dan bahaya gempa Indonesia tahun, 2017
M., dan Ridwan, M., 2010
M Irsyam, IW Sengara, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, W Triyoso, D Hilman, ...
Ringkasan Hasil Studi Tim Revisi Peta Gempa Indonesia, 2010
M., and Ridwan, M., 2010
M Irsyam, W Sengara, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, W Triyoso, D Hilman, ...
Development of seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia for Revision of Seismic …, 2002
Testing various seismic potential models for hazard estimation against a historical earthquake catalog in Japan
W Triyoso, K Shimazaki
Earth, planets and space 64, 673-681, 2012
Development of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia for Revision of Seimic Hazard Map in SNI 03-1726-2002
M Irsyam, W Sengara, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, W Triyoso, ...
Reseach report submitted to the Ministry of Public Works by the Team for …, 2010
Peta zonasi gempa Indonesia
M Irsyam, IW Sengara, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, W Triyoso, E Kertapati, ...
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. DOI 10, 978-94, 2010
Stress accumulation and earthquake activity on the Great Sumatran Fault, Indonesia
MT Rafie, DP Sahara, PR Cummins, W Triyoso, S Widiyantoro
Natural Hazards 116 (3), 3401-3425, 2023
Suhardjono (2010)
M Irsyam, IW Sengara, M Asrurifak, M Ridwan, F Aldiamar, S Widiyantoro, ...
Summary: Development of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia for Revision of …, 2002
Correlation dimension in Sumatra island based on active fault, earthquake data, and estimated horizontal crustal strain to evaluate seismic hazard functions (SHF)
W Triyoso, DP Sahara, DA Sarsito, DH Natawidjaja, S Sukmono
GeoHazards 3 (2), 227-241, 2022
Seismic hazard function mapping using estimated horizontal crustal strain off West Coast Northern Sumatra
W Triyoso, DP Sahara
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 558923, 2021
Earthquake potential hazard analysis of palembang city, Sumatra Island
W Triyoso, A Suwondo, ZYX Naibaho
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 8 (1), 1-9, 2021
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Articles 1–20