Muhammad Da'i
Muhammad Da'i
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Revealing the reversal effect of galangal (Alpinia galanga L.) extract against oxidative stress in metastatic breast cancer cells and normal fibroblast cells intended as a co …
FN Ahlina, N Nugraheni, IA Salsabila, S Haryanti, M Da’i, E Meiyanto
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 21 (1), 107-117, 2020
Screening efficacy of available HIV protease inhibitors on COVID-19 protease
M Mirzaei, K Harismah, M Da'I, E Salarrezaei, Z Roshandel
Journal of Military Medicine 22 (2), 100-107, 2020
Effect of tween 80 on nanoparticle preparation of modified chitosan for targeted delivery of combination doxorubicin and curcumin analogue
A Sukmawati, W Utami, R Yuliani, M Da’i, A Nafarin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 311, 012024, 2018
Antidiabetic mechanism of ethanol extract of black rice bran on diabetic rats
AS Wahyuni, R Munawaroh, M Da'i
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6 (2), 106, 2016
In silico investigation of nanocarbon biosensors for diagnosis of COVID-19
K Harismah, M Mirzaei, M Da'i, Z Roshandel, E Salarrezaei
Eurasian Chemical Communications 3 (2), 95-102, 2021
Korelasi kandungan fenolik dan aktivitas antiradikal ekstrak etanol daun empat tanaman obat Indonesia (Piper bettle, Sauropus androgynus, Averrhoa bilimbi, dan Guazuma ulmifolia)
ITD Kusumowati, TA Sujono, A Suhendi, M Da’i, R Wirawati
Farmasi UMS, 2012
Antiproliferative properties of tiliroside from Guazuma ulmifolia lamk on T47D and MCF7 cancer cell lines
M Da'i, ER Wikantyasning, AS Wahyuni, ITD Kusumawati, A Saifudin, ...
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6 (6), 627, 2016
Selectivity index of alpinia galanga extract and 1’-acetoxychavicol acetate on cancer cell lines
M Da'i, KA Meilinasary, A Suhendi, S Haryanti
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention 10 (2), 95-100, 2019
Apoptosis induction effect of curcumin and its analogs pentagamavunon-0 and pentagamavunon-1 on cancer cell lines
M Da'i, A Suhendi, E Meiyanto, UA Jenie, M Kawaichi
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (3), 373, 2017
Acetoxy Chavicol Acetate (ACA) concentration and Cytotoxic Activity of Alpinia galanga Extract on HeLa, MCF7 and T47D cancer cell lines
A Suhendi, ER Wikantyasning, G Setyadi, AS Wahyuni, M Da'i
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention 8 (2), 81-84, 2017
Biotransformasi kurkumin melalui kultur suspensi sel daun Catharanthus roseus [L] G. Don Berbunga Merah
A Saifudin, A Fuad, M Da’i
Aktivitas penangkap radikal dengan metode DPPH serta penetapan kandungan fenol dan flavonoid dalam ekstrak kloroform, ekstrak etil asetat, ekstrak etanol daun dewandaru …
W Utami, M Dai, YR Sofiana
Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia 6, 5-9, 2005
T47D cells arrested at G2M and hyperploidy formation induced by a curcumin’s analogue PGV-1
M Da’i, UA Jenie, AM Supardjan, M Kawaichi, E Meiyanto
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 12 (2), 2007
Sensing the formaldehyde pollutant by an enhanced BNC18 fullerene: DFT outlook
M Da'i, M Mirzaei, F Toiserkani, SM Mohealdeen, Y Yasin, ...
Chemical Physics Impact 7, 100306, 2023
Sensing functions of an iron-doped boron nitride nanocone towards acetaminophen and its thio/thiol analogs: A DFT outlook
MJ Saadh, AH Amin, S Farhadiyan, MS Sadeghi, SA Shahrtash, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 133, 109749, 2023
The drug delivery of methimazole through the sensing function assessments of BeO fullerene-like particles: DFT study
MM Salem-Bekhit, M Da'i, MM Rakhmatullaeva, M Mirzaei, S Al Zahrani, ...
Chemical Physics Impact 7, 100335, 2023
Validated HPLC method for determination of andrographolide in mixed herbal extract
M Da’i, ER Wikantyasning, A Suhendi, I Hairunisa
Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 35 (2), 140-143, 2015
Uji aktivitas penangkap radikal bebas dan penetapan kadar fenolik total ekstrak etanol tiga rimpang genus curcuma dan rimpang temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata)
R Melannisa, M Da’i, RT Rahmi
Farmasi UMS, 2011
Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L) selama 90 hari terhadap fungsi hati tikus
TA Sujono, AS Wahyuni, M Da’i, I Trisharyanti, D Kusumowati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015
Potensi Antiproliferative Analog Kurkumin Pentagamavunon Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara T47D*
M Da’i, N Mutmainah, K Harismah
LPPM UMS, 2007
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