Masyhuri Hamidi
Masyhuri Hamidi
Andalas University, Faculty of Economics
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Pengaruh literasi keuangan, efikasi keuangan, dan faktor demografi terhadap pengambilan keputusan investasi (studi kasus pada mahasiswa magister manajemen fakultas ekonomi …
WW Putri, M Hamidi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen 4 (1), 210-224, 2019
Determinants of Commercial Banks’ Return on Asset: Panel Evidence from Malaysia.
M Hamidi
International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM) 1 (3), 2012
Studi Komparasi Kinerja Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Syariah dan Konvensional di Sumatera Barat
M Hamidi
Iqtishadia: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam STAIN Kudus 10 (1), 44-70, 2017
Literature Review: Mediation Effects of Debt Maturity on Good Corporate Governance in Enhancing Financial Performance
MH Adiya, M Hamidi, R Rahim, F Adrianto
Journal of Applied Business and Technology 4 (2), 100-113, 2023
Internal cash flows, insider ownership, investment opportunity, dan capital expenditures: Suatu pengujian terhadap hipotesis pecking order dan managerial
M Hamidi
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) 18 (3), 2003
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah di PT. Bank Nagari Cabang Utama Padang
R Ahmaddien, M Hamidi
Universitas Terbuka, 2016
Managerial Capital Expenditure Decisions: A Study of Malaysian Listed Companies Using An Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis.
M Hamidi
Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (JAAAB) 2 (1), 66-81, 2013
Managerial capital expenditure decisions: A study of Malaysian listed companies using an ordered logistic regression analysis.
M Hamidi, N Mansor, R Asid
International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME 2008 …, 2008
Managerial capital expenditure decisions: A study of Malaysian listed companies using an ordered logistic regression analysis.
M Hamidi
Bagian Kepegawaian dan HKTL, 0
Efficiency Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Selection for Stocks in LQ45 Index
D Devianto, M Hamidi, S Maryati, AW Ahmad
2018 International Conference on Applied Information Technology and …, 2018
Investasi (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas Padang) Mahasiswa Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Andalas 2)
WW Putri, M Hamidi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen 4 (1), 2019
Analysis of funding, working capital turnover, liquidity and sales growth to profitability
WI Mursalini, T Husni, M Hamidi
Advanced Science Letters 23 (9), 8341-8346, 2017
Determinants of Capital Expenditure Decisions in The Malaysian Companies
masyhuri hamidi
Australasian Conference on Business and Social sciences 2015 1 (1), 1238-1249, 2015
ESG and dividend policy in Indonesia
WAI Saldi, F Adrianto, M Hamidi
Journal Of Social Research 2 (3), 724-734, 2023
Pengaruh mekanisme Corporate Governance, Profitability, dan Firm Size terhadap pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility
S Edinov, R Rahim, M Hamidi
Owner: Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi 6 (3), 3305-3311, 2022
How the financial openness accelerates the economic growth of leading asean economies 
M Hamidi
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 9 (2), 473, 2019
Analysis of Cash Conversion Cycle and Sales Growth To Liquidity
WI Mursalini, T Husni, M Hamidi
Sustainability Development in Achieving Economic Independence 266, 2017
Sentiment Analysis Against Digital Payment “GoPay”,“OVO”,“DANA”, and “ShopeePay” Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Algorithm
LJ Ningri, M Hamidi, F Adrianto
Indonesian Journal of Economics and Management 3 (2), 322-336, 2023
The Effect of Corporate Governance on Tax Avoidance in Manufacturing Sector Companies on the IDX for the 2015-2019 Period
S Skundarian, M Hamidi
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (1), 1092-1102, 2021
Corporate Governance Management Towards Companies Including in Lq45 Index
DF Wahyuni, M Hamidi
SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business 3 (2), 1-11, 2020
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