Hermansyah Aziz
Hermansyah Aziz
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Cited by
Terminalia catappa shell as low-cost biosorbent for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions
L Hevira, JO Ighalo, H Aziz, R Zein
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 97, 188-199, 2021
Design of Photovoltaic Cell with Copper Oxide as Electrode Using Indoor Light
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arif, Syukri, E Munaf
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 6 (4), 353, 2015
Modifikasi dan Karakteristik IV Sel Fotovoltaik Cu2o/Cu-Gel Na2so4 Melalui Iluminasi Lampu Neon
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief, S Darajat
Eksakta 2, 50, 2015
Disain Geometri Reaktor Fotosel Cahaya Ruang
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief
Jurnal Riset Kimia 8 (2), 131-131, 2015
Photoelectrosplitting water for hydrogen production using illumination of indoor light
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief, S Dradjad, E Munaf
research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (9S …, 2015
Biosorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution using column method by lengkeng (Euphoria logan lour) seed and shell
D Kurniawati, I Lestari, Harmiwati, S Sy, Z Chaidir, E Munaf, R Zein, ...
journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7, 872-877, 2015
Biosorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions using column method by lengkeng (Euphoria logan lour) seed and shell
D Kurniawati, I Lestari, SS Harmiwati, Z Chaidir, E Munaf, R Zein, H Aziz, ...
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (12), 872-877, 2015
Inhibisi korosi baja ringan menggunakan bahan alami dalam medium asam klorida
Y Stiadi, S Arief, H Aziz, M Efdi, E Emriadi
Jurnal Riset Kimia 10 (1), 51-65, 2019
Rahmiana Zein, Hermansyah Aziz, Rahadian Zainul. 2015. Biosorption of Pb (II) from Aqueous Solutions Using Column Method by Lengkeng (Euphoria logan lour) Seed and Shell
I Desy Kurniawati, SS Harmiwati, Z Chaidir, E Munaf
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7, 872-7, 0
Self-cleaning TiO2-SiO2 clusters on cotton textile prepared by dip-spin coating process
Y Rilda, F Fadhli, S Syukri, A Alif, H Aziz, S Chandren, H Nur
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (7), 2016
Dye sensitized solar cells (dssc) dengan sensitiser dye alami daun pandan, akar kunyit dan biji beras merah (black rice)
D Dahlan, TS Leng, H Aziz
Jurnal Ilmu Fisika 8 (1), 1-8, 2016
Superkapasitor berbahan dasar karbon aktif dan larutan ionik sebagai elektrolit
ON Tetra
Jurnal Zarah 6 (1), 39-46, 2018
Study of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic for removal of Pb (II) in aqueous solution using Sago bark (Metroxylon sago)
S Fauzia, H Aziz, D Dahlan, R Zein
AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 (1), 2018
Modification of Phenanthroline Methode to determine Antioxidant Content in Tropical Fruits Methanol Extract
Yefrida, H Suyani, A Admin, M Efdi, H Aziz
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 22 (4), 28 - 35, 2018
Photoelectrosplitting water for hydrogen production using illumination of indoor lights
A Yasthopi
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (9S), 246-256, 2015
s.(2015, October 22). Photoelectrosplitting Water Mechanism at Carbon Electrode Surface using Indoor lights
R Zainul, A Alif, H Aziz, S Arief
Mangifera odorata Griff seed extract as corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in hydrochloric acid medium.
Y Stiadi, L Rahmawati, M Efdi, H Aziz
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 13 (1), 2020
Probiotics and strong antimicrobial of buffalo milk fermentation (Dadih) from different places in West Sumatera Indonesia
S Syukur, A Hermansyah, E Fachrial
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (6 …, 2016
Electrical Properties of Supercapacitor Electrode-Based on Activated Carbon from Waste Palm Kernel Shells
H Aziz, O Norita Tetra, A Alif, Syukri, W Ramadhan
Der Pharma Chemica 8 (15), 227-232, 2016
Electrical Properties of Supercapacitor Electrode-Based on Activated Carbon from Waste Palm Kernel Shells
H Aziz, O Norita Tetra, A Alif, Syukri, W Ramadhan
Der Pharma Chemica, 227-232, 2016
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