Roni Muslim
Roni Muslim
BRIN Research Center for Quantum Physics and Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP)
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Phase transition of the Sznajd model with anticonformity for two different agent configurations
R Muslim, R Anugraha, S Sholihun, MF Rosyid
International Journal of Modern Physics C 31 (04), 2050052, 2020
Mass media and its impact on opinion dynamics of the nonlinear q-voter model
R Muslim, RA Nqz, MA Khalif
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 633, 129358, 2024
Opinion dynamics involving contrarian and independence behaviors based on the Sznajd model with two-two and three-one agent interactions
R Muslim, MJ Kholili, ART Nugraha
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 439, 133379, 2022
The external field effect on the opinion formation based on the majority rule and the q-voter models on the complete graph
Azhari, R Muslim
International Journal of Modern Physics C 34 (07), 2350088, 2023
Phase transition and universality of the three-one spin interaction based on the majority-rule model
R Muslim, R Anugraha, S Sholihun, MF Rosyid
International Journal of Modern Physics C 32 (09), 2150115, 2021
Phase Transition in the Majority Rule Model with the Nonconformist Agents
R Muslim, SA Wella, ART Nugraha
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022
Phase transition and universality of the majority-rule model on complex networks
DA Mulya, R Muslim
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2450125, 2024
Independence role in the generalized Sznajd model
R Muslim, DA Mulya, H Indrayani, CA Wicaksana, A Rizki
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 652, 130042, 2024
Independence role in the generalized Sznajd model
A Azhari, R Muslim, DA Mulya, H Indrayani, CA Wicaksana, A Rizky
Available at SSRN 4713713, 2023
A classical algorithm inspired by quantum neural network for solving a Bose-Hubbard-like system in phase-space representation
MJ Kholili, R Muslim, ART Nugraha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2906 (1), 2023
Effect of social behaviors in the opinion dynamics -voter model
R Muslim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14548, 2023
Destructive social noise effects on homogeneous and heterogeneous networks: Induced-phases in the majority-rule model
DA Mulya, R Muslim
Available at SSRN 4619178, 2023
Opinion evolution under mass media influence on the Barabasi–Albert network based on the q-voter model
R Fardela, Z Abdullah, R Muslim
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2450211, 2024
The External Field-Like Effect to the Evolution of Public Opinion in the Stauffer-Galam Model
R Muslim, RA Nqz, S Sholihun, MF Rosyid
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2020
The impact of social noise on the majority rule model across various network topologies
R Muslim, DA Mulya, Z Akbar, RA NQZ
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 189, 115718, 2024
Opinion formation under mass media influence on the Barabasi-Albert network
R Fardela, Z Abdullah, R Muslim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.10035, 2024
Konformiti, kontrarian, dan independensi: Transisi fase, scaling, dan universalitas pada model Sznajd dengan pendekatan mean-field
MS RONI MUSLIM, Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha, NQZ. S.Si., ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2021
Penentuan Distribusi Temperatur pada Permukaan Bola Pejal Menggunakan Pendekatan Kernel Bahang
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2017
Spektrum Massa Model Simetri Kiri Kanan dengan Korespondensi Skalar Spinor
MS Roni Muslim
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2014
Nonlinear Q-Voter Model Involving Nonconformity on Networks
RA NQZ, R Muslim, F Nugroho, IS Alam, MA Khalif
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