widyafransiska ft
widyafransiska ft
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Identification of the morphological characteristic of palembang riverside settlement
WFF Anwar
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2013
Pengendalian Pembangunan Lahan Basah Berbasis Preferensi Penghuni Merubah Disain Rumah Panggung
WFF Anwar, S Nugroho
Jurnal Perspektif Arsitektur 10 (01), 56-68, 2015
The Building Performance of Limas House; Dealing with Current Context
WFF Anwar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (8), 082029, 2019
Method to elicit local wisdom in perceiving the transformation of historical living environment
WFF Anwar, I Said, DR Ossen, MH Rasyidi
Journal ofRUAS, 11-22, 2011
Making retention pond as an attractive element for site planning at lowland housing area
WFF Anwar, F Amalia
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2017
The Implication of Smart Environment on Old Palembang Cultural Heritage Places
WFF Anwar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 396 (1), 012031, 2019
Perubahan Preferensi Penghuni Terhadap Aspek Lingkungan Pada Perumahan Rawa Urug
WFF Anwar
Tesa Arsitektur 16 (1), 11-19, 2018
Transformation of dwelling culture based on riverine community in Musi River Palembang
B Wicaksono, A Siswanto, S Kusdiwanggo, WFF Anwar
AIP Conference Proceedings 1903 (1), 2017
The identification of the existence of stilt houses at Musi riverside settlement in Palembang
B Wicaksono, A Siswanto, S Kusdiwanggo, WFF Anwar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 620 (1), 012001, 2019
Change of element settlement in Musi riverside Palembang
B Wicaksono, A Siswanto, S Kusdiwanggo, WFF Anwar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (8), 082007, 2019
Identifikasi Motif Ukiran Pada Arsitektur Rumah Limas Palembang
S Nugroho, WFF Anwar
Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perkotaan Koridor 7, 2016
The Dynamic of Cultural Expression of Ethnicity on Palembang’s Riverside Urban Structure
WFF Anwar
Prosiding The 3rd International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia …, 2011
Adaptasi Arsitektural Rumah Panggung di Palembang
ZA Wazir, WFF Anwar
Arsir 3 (2), 24-33, 2020
Studi Geokimia Batuan Beku Andesit Berdasarkan XRD Desa Karang Jaya, Musi Rawas Sumatera Selatan
F Falisa, H Chandra, H Harnani
Applicable Innovation of Engineering and Science Research (AVoER), 709-713, 2020
The building performance of Palembang’s traditional houses
WFF Anwar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 620 (1), 012004, 2019
Healthy Dwelling Design at Wetland Area
WFF Anwar
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 04012, 2018
Peningkatan Produk Wisata Arsitektur Pada Kawasan Wisata Religi Kampung AL Munawar Palembang
WFF Anwar, HF Sarino, BB Aditya, A Arief, F Amalia, DA Armareno, ...
Seminar Nasional AVoER IX yang Diselenggarakan Fakultas Teknik Universitas …, 2017
The Role of Historical Settlement in Generating City’s Identity
WFF Anwar, I Said, DR Ossen, MH Rasyidi
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2010
Analisa Potensi Pariwisata pada KAMPUNG KAPITEN DI PALEMBANG
WF Febriati
Edukasi Arsitektur Tradisional Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Education Of Traditional Architecture For Primary School Student
WFF Anwar, S Nugroho, F Amalia, RD Putri
Jurnal Pengabdian Community 2 (2), 64-70, 2020
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