Aries Dwi Indriyanti
Aries Dwi Indriyanti
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Penerapan PIECES Framework sebagai Evaluasi Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akademik Terpadu (SIAKADU) pada Universitas Negeri Surabaya
NKA Putri, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
Perancangan User Interface dan User Experience Aplikasi Medical Tourism Indonesia Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design (UCD)(Studi Kasus: PT Cipta Wisata Medika)
S Ernawati, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 3 …, 2022
Penggunaan metode heuristic evaluation sebagai analisis evaluasi user interface dan user experience pada aplikasi bca mobile
M Subhan, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
Analisis Pengaruh Technology Readiness terhadap Perceived Usefulness dan Perceived Ease of Use terhadap Behavioral Intention dari Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS …
SN Faizani, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Camscanner Menggunakan Metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS)
R Sholihah, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 3 …, 2022
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Forum Makanan Berbasis Web
AD Indriyanti, R Pratama
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika 78, 2015
Perancangan Design UI/UX E-Commerce TRINITY Berbasis Website Dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking
WSA Pratama, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 4 …, 2023
Penerapan metode User Centered Design dalam perancangan ulang desain website Man 1 Pasuruan
RD Cahyani, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 3 …, 2022
Penerapan Case Based Reasoning Dengan Algoritma Nearest Neighbor Untuk Analisis Pemberian Kredit Di Lembaga Pembiayaan
C Imama, AD Indriyanti
Jurnal Manajemen Informatika 2 (01), 11-21, 2013
Pengukuran penerimaan teknologi dan pengaruh kualitas e-learning terhadap efektifitas pembelajaran pada perguruan tinggi menggunakan metode TAM dan Webqual
DNS Wati, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
Evaluasi Usability Aplikasi BTN Mobile dengan Metode User Experience Questionnaire dan Heuristic Evaluation
A Putri, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 3 …, 2022
Evaluasi kualitas website simontasi unesa menggunakan metode webqual dan importance performance analysis (IPA)
MC Ngulum, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Informatics and Computer Science (JINACS) 2 (01), 38-42, 2020
Evaluasi Usability User Interface dan User Experience pada Aplikasi M. Tix dengan Metode Usability Testing (UT) dan System Usability Scale (SUS)
ARR Putri, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 4 …, 2023
Library book modeling data using the association rule method with apriori algorithm in determining book placement and analysis of book loans
DR Prehanto, AD Indriyanti, GS Permadi, TZ Vitadiar, FD Jayanti
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (05), 1244-1250, 2020
Soil moisture prediction using fuzzy time series and moisture sensor technology on shallot farming
DR Prehanto, AD Indriyanti, C Mashuri, GS Permadi
E3S Web of conferences 125, 23002, 2019
Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Layanan Aplikasi MyTelkomsel dengan Menggunakan Model UTAUT
D Patmalasari, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
Using fuzzy time series (FTS) and linear programming for production planning and planting pattern scheduling red onion
AD Indriyanti, DR Prehanto, GS Permadi, C Mashuri, TZ Vitadiar
E3S Web of Conferences 125, 23007, 2019
Development of Digital System Learning Media Using Digital Learning System
T Kistofer, GS Permadi, TZ Vitadiar
1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 177-182, 2019
Simple Additive Weighting algorithm to aid administrator decision making of the underprivileged scholarship
AD Indriyanti, DR Prehanto, I Prismana, B Sujatmiko, J Fikandda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066070, 2019
Evaluasi User Experience Aplikasi TIX ID Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation
D Yolanovia, AD Indriyanti
Journal of Emerging Information System and Business Intelligence (JEISBI) 2 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20