Rahmat Saptono Duryat
Rahmat Saptono Duryat
Dosen Teknik Metalurgi dan Material Universitas Indonesia
Email yang diverifikasi di ui.ac.id
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Pengetahuan Bahan
R Saptono
Departemen Metalurgi dan Material: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Is problem based learning (PBL) a better approach for engineering education
R Saptono
CAFEO-21 (21st Conference of the Asian Federation of Engineering …, 2003
Selection of Materials for the Aerofoil Blades of a Wells Turbine Operated in an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Power Station
R Saptono
The UNSW School of MSE, 2004
Graphene Nanoribbons (GNRs) for Future Interconnect
R Saptono Duryat
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mat. Sci. Eng. 131, 012018, 2016
The screwdriver: A basic review on design and material selection
RS Duryat
AIP Conference Proceedings 2262 (1), 2020
Solid state sintering of nanostructured ceramics
R Saptono
Procedia Engineering, 369-380, 2012
Analisis Proses Pembentukan Logam
R Saptono
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
A model-inspired phenomenology constitutive equation for the temperature-dependence of flow stress at confined dimension II
RS Duryat, CU Kim
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 58 (1), 012021, 2014
A Model-inspired Phenomenology Constitutive Equation for the Temperature-dependence of Flow Stress at Confined Dimension I
R Saptono, CU Kim
Applied Mechanics and Materials 534, 83-92, 2014
TEM characterization of dislocation image
RS Duryat, CU Kim
AIP Conference Proceedings 2262 (1), 2020
Temperature-dependence of Threshold Current Density-Length Product in Metallization Lines: A Revisit
RS Duryat, CU Kim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 710 (1), 012044, 2016
The Selection of Materials for Roller Chains From The Perspective Of Manufacturing Process
R Saptono
Makara Journal of Technology 7 (3), 6, 2010
Kuliah Pertama Pembentukan Logam
R Saptono
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2005
Considering a Global Strategy in Preparing High Quality Engineers To Face the Challenge of the Twenty-First Century
R Saptono
Proceeding of the Technical Session of the 21st Conference of AFEO, 31, 2003
Desain Dan Pengembangan Alat Uji Tonjolan Hidrolik (Hydraulic Bulge Test) Sederhana Berbiaya Rendah Untuk Karakterisasi Mampu Bentuk Logam Lembaran Tipis (Metal Foil) pada …
S Surahman, R Saptono
Syntax Idea 6 (7), 3037-3060, 2024
Impact Resistance Enhancement of GLARE Composite Laminates Reinforced with Shape Memory Alloy Wires
YA Sumbaga, R Saptono
Materials Science Forum 1114, 153-161, 2024
MTS model theory in small volume electronic materials
R Saptono, CU Kim
10th Annual TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Held Jointly …, 2016
Evaluation of C/C-SiC Composites as Potential Candidate Materials for High Performance Braking Systems
R Saptono Duryat
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mat. Sci. Eng. 131, 012009, 2016
MTS Model in Small Volume Electronic Materials
R Saptono Duryat, CU Kim
TechConnect World Innovation Conference, Expo, and National Innovation Summit, 2016
Analysis on the Temperature-Dependence of the Flow Stress in Metallic Thin Films Based on an Exponential Decay Model
RS Duryat, CU Kim
Advanced Science Letters 20 (10-11), 2278-2281, 2014
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