Edi Widjajanto
Edi Widjajanto
Profesor Patologi Klinik/Imunologi/Hematologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya
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Effects of 1, 25 (OH) 2D3 in immune response regulation of systemic lupus erithematosus (SLE) patient with hypovitamin D
CS Wahono, H Rusmini, D Soelistyoningsih, R Hakim, K Handono, ...
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 7 (1), 22, 2014
Modified risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) in Minahasa ethnic group from Manado city Indonesia
EJ Nelwan, E Widjajanto, S Andarini, MS Djati
The Journal of Experimental Life Science 6 (2), 88-94, 2017
Correlation of Advanced Glycation End Products with Urinary Albumin Creatinin Ratio in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
D Anggraini, R Yaswir, L Lillah, H Husni
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory 23 (2), 107-110, 2017
Peroxidative index as novel marker of hydrogen peroxide involvement in lipid peroxidation from coal dust exposure
N Kania, B Setiawan, E Widjajanto, N Nurdiana, MA Widodo, H Kusuma
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci 1, 209-215, 2012
Efek Scurulla oortiana (Benalu Teh) dan Macrosolen javanus (Benalu Jambu Mawar) terhadap Kontraktilitas Pembuluh Darah Arteri Ekor Tikus Terpisah dengan atau tanpa Endotel
N Athiroh, MA Widodo, E Widjajanto
Tesis. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 2000
Protective effect of CSN1S2 protein of goat milk on ileum microstructure and inflammation in rat-CFA-induced rheumatoid arthritis
RN Rohmah, E Widjajanto, F Fatchiyah
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 5 (7), 564-568, 2015
Characteristics and antioxidant activities of anthocyanin fraction in red dragon fruit peels (Hylocereus polyrhizus) extract
I Prabowo, EP Utomo, A Nurfaizy, A Widodo, E Widjajanto, P Rahadju
Drug Invention Today 12 (4), 670-678, 2019
Dendrophthoe pentandra leaves extract promotes apoptotic effects of doxorubicin in human breast cancer cell via modulation of intracellular calcium and survivin
AT Endharti, TE Wahyuningtyas, K Handono, E Widjajanto, S Permana
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (8), 039-043, 2018
Analisis faktor-faktor keluarga yang berhubungan dengan perilaku agresif pada remaja di kota Malang (dengan pendekatan teori struktural fungsional keluarga)
DP Priasmoro, E Widjajanto, L Supriati
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan 4 (2), 114-126, 2016
Pengetahuan sebagai Faktor Dominan Efikasi Diri Kader dalam Melakukan Deteksi Dini Gangguan Jiwa
E Widjajanto, RE Kapti
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 30 (2), 138-141, 2018
Date Fruit Extract (Phoenix dactylifera, Ajwa) Modulates NK Cells and TNF-Alpha in DMBA-Induced Mammary Cancer Sprague-Dawley Rats.
RMM Elhemeidy, D Lyrawati, E Widjajanto
Journal of Tropical Life Science 8 (3), 2018
The role of mapalus culture by Minahasa Ethnic in North Sulawesi to the coronary heart disease incidents
JE Nelwan, E Widjajanto, S Andarini, S Djati, OJ Sumampouw
Int J Sci Res Publ 8 (3), 2018
Pengaruh peran perawat sebagai care giver terhadap length of stay (los) di IGD RSUD dr. tc hillerrs maumere dengan pelaksanaan triage sebagai variabel moderasi
Y Pitang, E Widjajanto, DK Ningsih
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Brawijaya 4 (2), 99914, 2016
Correlation of interleukin-10, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels with HbA1c in pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus
L Astari, H Cahyono, E Widjajanto
Journal of Tropical Life Science 7 (3), 286-292, 2017
Low levels of vitamin D correlate with hemoglobin A1c and interleukin-10 levels in pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
D Wulandari, HA Cahyono, E Widjajanto, A Puryatni
Journal of Tropical Life Science 4 (3), 182-186, 2014
Subchronic inhalation of coal dust particulate matter 10 induces bronchoalveolar hyperplasia and decreases MUC5AC expression in male Wistar rats
N Kania, B Setiawan, E Widjadjanto, N Nurdiana, MA Widodo, ...
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 66 (8), 383-389, 2014
The effect of laparoscopy on mast cell degranulation and mesothelium thickness in rats
H Poerwosusanta, Gunadi, Z Noor, IK Oktaviyanti, K Mintaroem, ...
BMC surgery 20, 1-10, 2020
Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji jinten hitam (nigella sativa) terhadap kadar GSH, MDA, jumlah serta fungsi sel makrofag alveolar paru tikus wistar yang dipapar asap rokok kronis
M Marwan, E Widjajanto, S Karyono
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 21 (3), 111-121, 2013
Pengaruh Kadar Glukosa Tinggi Terhadap Sintesis Nitric Oxide dari Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEs) Culture dengan Tehnik Bioassay
IPD Arjita, MA Widodo, E Widjajanto
Biosain 2, 2002
Potensi Ekstrak Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine Sp) sebagai Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) pada Pengobatan Medis
H Poerwosusanta, M Ali, Z Noor, K Mintaroem, E Widjajanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina 3 (2), 242-251, 2018
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