Mora Claramita
Mora Claramita
Lecturer Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Doctor–patient communication in Southeast Asia: a different culture?
M Claramita, MDF Nugraheni, J van Dalen, C van der Vleuten
Advances in Health Sciences Education 18, 15-31, 2013
Doctor–patient communication in a Southeast Asian setting: the conflict between ideal and reality
M Claramita, A Utarini, H Soebono, J Van Dalen, C Van der Vleuten
Advances in health sciences education 16, 69-80, 2011
Objectively measured interprofessional education outcome and factors that enhance program effectiveness: A systematic review
R Riskiyana, M Claramita, GR Rahayu
Nurse education today 66, 73-78, 2018
Students’ understanding of “Women-Centred Care Philosophy” in midwifery care through Continuity of Care (CoC) learning model: a quasi-experimental study
Y Yanti, M Claramita, O Emilia, M Hakimi
BMC nursing 14, 1-7, 2015
Community-based educational design for undergraduate medical education: a grounded theory study
M Claramita, EP Setiawati, TN Kristina, O Emilia, C van der Vleuten
BMC medical education 19, 1-10, 2019
Peran kader posyandu dalam memberdayakan masyarakat Bintan
F Susanto, M Claramita, S Handayani
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 33 (1), 13, 2017
From lecture to learning tasks: use of the 4C/ID model in a communication skills course in a continuing professional education context
AP Susilo, J van Merriënboer, J van Dalen, M Claramita, A Scherpbier
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 44 (6), 278-284, 2013
Doctors in a Southeast Asian country communicate sub-optimally regardless of patients’ educational background
M Claramita, J Van Dalen, CPM Van Der Vleuten
Patient education and counseling 85 (3), e169-e174, 2011
Predicting factors on modeling health behavior: a systematic review
MA Leman, M Claramita, GR Rahayu
American Journal of Health Behavior 45 (2), 268-278, 2021
Why do nursing students make medication errors? A qualitative study in Indonesia
L Musharyanti, M Claramita, F Haryanti, I Dwiprahasto
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 14 (3), 282-288, 2019
Natural disasters in Indonesia: Relationships among posttraumatic stress, resource loss, depression, social support, and posttraumatic growth
D N. Sattler, M Claramita, B Muskavage
Journal of loss and trauma 23 (5), 351-365, 2018
Patients’ experience of using primary care services in the context of Indonesian universal health coverage reforms
FM Ekawati, M Claramita, K Hort, J Furler, S Licqurish, J Gunn
Asia Pacific family medicine 16, 1-10, 2017
Comparison of communication skills between trained and untrained students using a culturally sensitive nurse–client communication guideline in Indonesia
M Claramita, R Tuah, P Riskione, YS Prabandari, C Effendy
Nurse education today 36, 236-241, 2016
Physicians’ professionalism at primary care facilities from patients’ perspective: the importance of doctors’ communication skills
MI Sari, YS Prabandari, M Claramita
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 5 (1), 56-60, 2016
Improving communication skills in the Southeast Asian health care context
M Claramita, AP Susilo
Perspectives on medical education 3 (6), 474-479, 2014
Interprofessional communication in a socio-hierarchical culture: development of the TRI-O guide
M Claramita, R Riskiyana, AP Susilo, E Huriyati, MSH Wahyuningsih, ...
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 191-204, 2019
A partnership-oriented and culturally-sensitive communication style of doctors can impact the health outcomes of patients with chronic illnesses in Indonesia
M Claramita, N Arininta, Y Fathonah, S Kartika, YS Prabandari, ...
Patient Education and Counseling 103 (2), 292-300, 2020
Introducing a partnership doctor-patient communication guide for teachers in the culturally hierarchical context of Indonesia
M Claramita, AP Susilo, M Kharismayekti, J van Dalen, C van der Vleuten
Education for Health 26 (3), 147-155, 2013
Are patient-centered care values as reflected in teaching scenarios really being taught when implemented by teaching faculty? A discourse analysis on an Indonesian medical …
M Claramita, AH Sutomo, MA Graber, AJJ Scherpbier
Asia Pacific family medicine 10, 1-10, 2011
Primary health care systems (Primasys): case study from Indonesia, abridged version
M Claramita, NA Syah, FM Ekawati
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2017
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Articles 1–20