Ravi Chintapalli
Ravi Chintapalli
UPC Barcelona, McGill Univ Montreal
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Cited by
Phase transformation and subsurface damage in 3Y-TZP after sandblasting
RK Chintapalli, FG Marro, E Jimenez-Pique, M Anglada
Dental Materials 29 (5), 566-572, 2013
Effect of sandblasting and residual stress on strength of zirconia for restorative dentistry applications
RK Chintapalli, AM Rodriguez, FG Marro, M Anglada
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 29, 126-137, 2014
Fabrication, testing and modeling of a new flexible armor inspired from natural fish scales and osteoderms
RK Chintapalli, M Mirkhalaf, AK Dastjerdi, F Barthelat
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 9 (036005), 1-9, 2014
Strain rate hardening: A hidden but critical mechanism for biological composites?
RK Chintapalli, S Breton, AK Dastjerdi, F Barthelat
Acta biomaterialia 10 (12), 5064-5073, 2014
Stability of nanocrystalline spark plasma sintered 3Y-TZP
R Chintapalli, A Mestra, F García Marro, H Yan, M Reece, M Anglada
Materials 3 (2), 800-814, 2010
Processing and characterization of high-density zirconia–carbon nanotube composites
RK Chintapalli, FG Marro, B Milsom, M Reece, M Anglada
Materials Science and Engineering: A 549, 50-59, 2012
Spherical instrumented indentation of porous nanocrystalline zirconia
RK Chintapalli, E Jimenez-Pique, FG Marro, H Yan, M Reece, M Anglada
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (1), 123-132, 2012
Study of near surface changes in yttria-doped tetragonal zirconia after low temperature degradation
FG Marro, R Chintapalli, P Hvizdos, F Soldera, F Mücklich, M Anglada
International Journal of Materials Research 100 (1), 92-96, 2009
Influence of sandblasting on zirconia in restorative dentistry
RK Chintapalli
UPC BarcelonaTech, 2012
Degradation resistance of 3Y-TZP ceramics sintered using spark plasma sintering
R Chintapalli, FG Marro, JA Valle, H Yan, MJ Reece, M Anglada
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 5 (1), 012014, 2009
Surface mechanical properties of advanced zirconia after hydrothermal exposure
FG Marro, A Mestra, E Jiménez-Piqué, R Chintapalli, M Anglada
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 31 (1), 012015, 2012
Influence of hydrothermal degradation on wear behaviour of Zirconia tetragonal polycrystals doped with 3% molar of yttria
R Kiran Chitapalli, JA Valle Chiro, ÁM Mestra Rodríguez, ...
XXVI Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura, 86-91, 2009
Effect of Low Temperature Degradation on Scratch Behaviour of 3Y-TZP
P Hvizdoš, R Chintapalli, J Valle, M Anglada
Key Engineering Materials 409, 322-325, 2009
Flexible armor inspired from natural fish scales and osteoderms
F Barthelat, R Chintapalli
Strain rate hardening in biological and biomimetic composites: a critical ingredient to mechanical performance?
F Barthelat, R Chintapalli, A Dastjerdi, S Breton
Relationship between density and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered zirconia ceramics
RK Chitapalli, GM Fernando, MR Álvaro, M Reece, MJ Anglada Gomila
Spherical instrumented indentation of porous nanocrystalline zirconia
M Anglada, RK Chintapalli, E Jimenez-Pique, FG Marro, M Reece, H Yan
Elsevier, 2012
Influencia de la degradación hidrotérmica en la resistencia mecánica y comportamiento al desgaste de 3Y-TZP
ÁM Mestra Rodríguez, F García Marro, R Kiran Chitapalli, ...
Anales de mecánica de la fractura, 113-118, 2012
Determination of the intrinsic fracture toughness from the COD analysis of indentation cracks in Spark Plasma Sintered 3Y-TZP reinforced with MWCNT
F García Marro, R Kiran Chitapalli, ÁM Mestra Rodríguez, ...
Effect of ageing on scratch resistance of 3Y-TZP
P Hvizdoš, R Chintapalli, J Valle, M Anglada
Kovové materiály 47, 333-339, 2009
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Articles 1–20