Dr. Dra. Fedianty Augustinah, MM
Dr. Dra. Fedianty Augustinah, MM
Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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Cited by
Widayati.(2019). Pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi makanan ringan kripik singkong di kabupaten sampang
F Augustinah
Jurnal Dialektika 4 (2), 1-20, 2019
Analysis of the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, and cashback promotion on intention to use E-wallet
DE Putri, OS Sinaga, A Sudirman, F Augustinah, E Dharma
International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research 6 (11 …, 2022
Manajemen Kinerja Balanced Scorecard Untuk Koperasi Dan UMKM
F Augustinah
Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Bisnis Dan Inovasi 2 (2), 219-235, 2019
Determinants of intention to use the TikTok application among Generation Z
F Halim, F Augustinah, D Vidyanata, S Sherly, A Sudirman
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya 8 (3), 721-727, 2022
Strategi Pemasaran Bisnis
M Rakib, SM Baharuddin, S Hastutik, HRD Djampagau, F Augustinah, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2022
The e-servqual effect on the stickiness intention of marketplace during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical study in Indonesia
A Kusumawati, F AUGUSTINAH, T Alhabsyi, S Suharyono
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (8), 573-581, 2021
Merdeka berpikir: Catatan harian pandemi covid-19
S Khoiridah, D Ferriswara, F Augustinah
Unitomo Press, 2020
Pemanfaatan media social sebagai sarana promosi makanan ringan kripik singkong di Kabupaten Sampang. Junal Dialektika
F Augustinah
Dedication 4, 2019
Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Dan Personal Terhadap Sikap Konsumen Dan Minat Beli Barang Fashion Palsu
A Asnawi, F Augustinah
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi 12 (2), 331-350, 2015
The Existence of SMEs Business Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Analyzing the Contribution of Intellectual Capital and Technological Innovation
F Augustinah, E Chandra, J Julyanthry, DE Putri, A Sudirman
Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen 18 (2), 87-99, 2022
Teori Pemasaran: Pendekatan Manajemen Bisnis
NB Gultom, A MM, E Alimin, SE Abdurohim, SE Mega Sanjaya, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2022
Persembahan Unitomo Untuk Negeri: Book Chapter Abdimas Jilid 1: Pendidikan, Teknologi, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hukum, Pertanian, Pangan, dan Perikanan.
S Khoiridah, D Ferriswara, F Augustinah, ID Pramudiana, D Cahyono, ...
Unitomo Press, 2021
Utilization of social media as a means of promotion of cassava chips snacks in sampang regency
F Augustinah, W Widayati
Dialektika: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial 4 (2), 1-20, 2019
Manajemen Usaha dan Pembuatan Kemasan Serta Labeling Home Industri Kue Basah Pada Usaha Kelompok Dasawisma KRI Nanggala Medokan Semampir Surabaya
F Augustinah, N Sholichah, ID Pramudia
Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, 2017
Digital Marketing Strategy: Online Marketing Approach
SA Sitorus, APK Gheta, MM SE, HU Anisah, MM SE, ST Hafizh Fitrianna, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2022
Ulos Product Purchase Decision Judging From Aspects Of Price, Brand Love And Customer Brand Engagement
RCSD Kusuma, A Abdurohim, F Augustinah, E Hendrayani
SULTANIST: Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan 10 (1), 108-119, 2022
Analisis SWOT Perumusan Strategi Pemasaran Online Untuk Menciptakan Keunggulan Bersaing Saat Pandemi COVID 19
F Augustinah, S Subardini, L Listyawati
SKETSA BISNIS (e-jurnal) 9 (1), 21-33, 2022
Manajemen Pemasaran (Perspektif Digital Marketing)
EA Asmin, AH Syam, N Normiyati, RH Sitaniapessy, A Sudirman, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2021
& Hartini, SE (2021)
EA Asmin, AH Syam, N Normiyati, RH Sitaniapessy, A Sudirman, ...
Manajemen Pemasaran (Perspektif Digital Marketing). Media Sains Indonesia, 0
Analysis Customer Satisfaction and its Implications for Customer Loyalty and Purchase Intention for Cinepolis Cinemas Tickets
RM Girsang, D Lie, F Augustinah, A Sudirman
International Journal of Social Science and Business 8 (1), 169-181, 2024
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