Deny Pradana Saputro
Deny Pradana Saputro
Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi Universitas Riau
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Cited by
Penyusunan norma tes fisik pencak silat remaja kategori tanding
DP Saputro, S Siswantoyo
Jurnal Keolahragaan 6 (1), 1-10, 2018
Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
MF Dongoran, YE Nopiyanto, DP Saputro, AI Nugroho
International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019), 2019
Sports App: Digitalization of Sports Basic Movement
G Priyambada, AS Prayoga, AWB Utomo, DP Saputro, R Hartono
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10 (1), 85-89, 2022
Modul tutorial sebagai media pembelajaran pencak silat untuk siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan
GE Saputro, YN Hanief, RP Herpandika, DP Saputro
Jurnal Keolahragaan 6 (2), 130-138, 2018
An evaluation of powerlifting and weightlifting development program
A Nuruhidin, F Putra, OI Pamungkas, H Ardiyanto, DP Saputro
Psychology, Evaluation, and Technology in Educational Research 1 (1), 1-8, 2018
Lectora inspire software development in the learning of pencak silat
A Vai, FA Nanda, DP Saputro, MI Rahmatullah
Journal Sport Area 6 (1), 109-118, 2021
Analysis of software requirement management results for physical tests of adolescent pencak silat fighting categories
DP Saputro, MRA Wijaya, MF Dongoran
JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga 5 (1), 100-109, 2020
Sosialisasi hidup bersih dan sehat kepada anak-anak di kelurahan mangunharjo pada masa pandemi covid-19
YE Nopiyanto, S Raibowo, A Prabowo, DP Saputro, F Dongoran
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) 2 (1), 34-43, 2021
Differences between learning model of inquiry and direct instruction toward learning outcomes on discus throw
A Sinulingga, DP Saputro, A Nova
Journal Sport Area 6 (1), 15-21, 2021
Academic Stress Levels of Physical Education Students in Attending Odd Semester Classes 2021/2022
Y Yarmani, YE Nopiyanto, S Raibowo, D Pujianto, DP Saputro, ...
Kinestetik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 6 (1), 23-31, 2022
Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes). 383 (Icss), 124–128
M Dongoran, Y Nopiyanto, D Saputro, A Nugroho
Profile Sabit Kick Speed Profile and General Speed of Pencak Silat Club Achievement
MRA Wijaya, DP Saputro, AN Aissya
JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga 7 (1), 25-38, 2022
Ladder drill portable: Agility tools for sports
NPN Wijayanti, DP Saputro, OF AF, R Febri
Journal Sport Area 6 (1), 98-108, 2021
Aplikasi olahraga: Digitalisasi manajemen tes fisik olahraga
DP Saputro, F Adila, S Wedi, PA Putra
Tadulako Journal Sport Sciences And Physical Education 8 (2), 1-13, 2020
Effectiveness of software for indonesian martial art
AI Nugroho, DP Saputro, AK Hidayat, M Fadlih, NL Djamudi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (1), 012210, 2019
Metodologi Penelitian Olahraga
N Gazali, M Sari, D Daharis, MF Makorohim, M Yulianti, ...
Media Sains Indonesia, 2022
Penanganan Pada Cedera Olahraga
Z Ilham, A Fekie, M Muhibbi, DP Saputro, MI Rahmatullah
Cipta Media Nusantara, 2024
Efektivitas AORA sebagai pengolah hasil tes fisik olahraga pencak silat
DP Saputro, AR Sinulingga, F Adila, A Alimandan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga 1 (2), 187-199, 2021
Pelatihan identifikasi bakat olahraga menggunakan metode sport search pada guru pjok
A Mandan, Z Zainur, DP Saputro, S Maesaroh, AR Sinulingga
Indonesian Journal of Sport Community 1 (2), 48-54, 2021
Erratum: Analisis Kebutuhan Software Pengelola Hasil Tes Fisik Pencak Silat Remaja Kategori Tanding
DP Saputro, MRA Wijaya, MF Dongoran
Juara: Jurnal Olahraga 5 (2), 2020
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Articles 1–20