Devit Etika Sari
Devit Etika Sari
Teknologi Pendidikan, STAI Miftahul'ula Kertosono
Email yang diverifikasi di staimnglawak.ac.id - Beranda
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The Effectiveness Of The Method of GI With Electronic Workbench Study To Improve Activities and Results Student
DE Sari
Educatio: Journal of Education 3 (1), 136-150, 2018
UKM development business loan
MBN Wajdi, YC Ummah, DE Sari
IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) 1 …, 2017
Barid Nizaruddin.“
M Wajdi
Yuli Choirul Ummah, and Devit Etika Sari, 2017
UKM Development Business Loan. IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development), 1 (1), 99–109
MBN Wajdi, YC Ummah, DE Sari
Education Reform Towards the Future Development of Nation
DE Sari
EDUCATIO: Journal of Education 4 (1), 87-101, 2019
Adat Bangun Rumah Di Jawa Study Antropologi Di Nganjuk Jawa Timur
DE Sari
Economic: Journal of Economic and Islamic Law 8 (2), 83-92, 2017
Strengthening Basic Electrical Competence Using Simulator Software
DE Sari
EDUCATIO: Journal of Education 5 (3), 234-239, 2021
Peran Ekstrakurikuler Qira’at Dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
B Ismairoh, DE Sari, N Rahmania
IERA, Islamic Education and Research Academy 1 (2), 2020
The Effectiveness of Group Mentoring Services in Reducing the Communicational Anxiety of Students
L Harahap, L Mahfiana, DE Sari, M Yuliasih, R Istianingrum
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