Sutiman B. Sumitro
Sutiman B. Sumitro
Professor of Nano Biology, Brawijaya University
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Cited by
Effects of native human zona pellucida glycoproteins 3 and 4 on acrosome reaction and zona pellucida binding of human spermatozoa
PCN Chiu, BST Wong, MK Chung, KKW Lam, RTK Pang, KF Lee, ...
Biology of reproduction 79 (5), 869-877, 2008
Green synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles using Piper retrofractum Vahl extract as bioreductor and capping agent
S Amaliyah, DP Pangesti, M Masruri, A Sabarudin, SB Sumitro
Heliyon 6 (8), 2020
Anti-diabetic potential of Urena lobata leaf extract through inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity
Y Purnomo, DW Soeatmadji, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 5 (8), 645-649, 2015
Native human zona pellucida glycoproteins: purification and binding properties
PCN Chiu, BST Wong, CL Lee, RTK Pang, KF Lee, SB Sumitro, SK Gupta, ...
Human reproduction 23 (6), 1385-1393, 2008
Pengantar ekologi
S Heddy, S Sukartomo, SB Sumitro
Rajawali, Jakarta, 1986
Conditioned medium from normoxia (WJMSCs-norCM) and hypoxia-treated WJMSCs (WJMSCs-hypoCM) in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation
W Widowati, L Wijaya, H Murti, H Widyastuti, D Agustina, DR Laksmitawati, ...
Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 7 (1), 8-17, 2015
Xanthones analysis and antioxidant activity analysis (Applying ESR) of six different maturity levels of mangosteen rind extract (Garcinia mangostana Linn.)
ME Gondokesumo
Pharmacognosy Journal 11 (2), 369-373, 2019
The important role of protamine in spermatogenesis and quality of sperm: A mini review
M Akmal, MA Widodo, SB Sumitro, BB Purnomo
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 5 (5), 357-360, 2016
Effect of oxygen tension on proliferation and characteristics of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells
W Widowati, L Wijaya, I Bachtiar, RF Gunanegara, SU Sugeng, YA Irawan, ...
Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 6 (1), 43-48, 2014
Effect of interleukins (IL-2, IL-15, IL-18) on receptors activation and cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells in breast cancer cell
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, T Mozef, R Rizal, ...
African health sciences 20 (2), 822-832, 2020
Learning motivation of students during the implementation of lecturing based in silico approach
AM Santoso
International Journal of Research & Review 4 (9), 6-9, 2017
Atomic Mineral Characteristics of Indonesian Osteoporosis by High‐Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Z Noor, SB Sumitro, M Hidayat, AH Rahim, A Sabarudin, T Umemura
The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 372972, 2012
Bioethanol production from algae Spirogyra hyalina using Zymomonas mobilis
Sulfahri, M Amin, SB Sumitro, M Saptasari
Biofuels 7 (6), 621-626, 2016
Improving learning process in genetics classroom by using metacognitive strategy
E Susantini, SB Sumitro, AD Corebima, H Susilo
Asia Pacific Education Review 19, 401-411, 2018
Human platelet lysate enhances the proliferation of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells
AA Antoninus, W Widowati, L Wijaya, D Agustina, S Puradisastra, ...
Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 7 (3), 87-97, 2015
The role of astaxanthin compared with metformin in preventing glycated human serum albumin from possible unfolding: a molecular dynamic study
S Wibowo, S Widyarti, A Sabarudin, DW Soeatmadji, SB Sumitro
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 12 (9), 276-282, 2019
Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis penelitian karakterisasi protein membran sperma pada matakuliah bioteknologi
I Oktaviana, SB Sumitro, U Lestari
Florea: Jurnal Biologi Dan Pembelajarannya 2 (2), 2015
Zebrafish Parkinson’s model: rotenone decrease motility, dopamine, and increase α-synuclein aggregation and apoptosis of zebrafish brain
H Khotimah, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo
Int J PharmTech Res 4, 614-21, 2015
Soemarno. 2006
S Rahayu, SB Sumitro, T Susilawati
Analisis isoenzim untuk mempelajari variasi genetik sapi Bali di Provinsi …, 2006
Developing complexity science-problem based learning model to enhance conceptual mastery
FF Amanda, SB Sumitro, SR Lestari, I Ibrohim
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 16 (1), 65-75, 2022
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Articles 1–20