I Wayan Wirga
I Wayan Wirga
Politeknik Negeri Bali
Email yang diverifikasi di pnb.ac.id
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Harnessing knowledge sharing practice to enhance innovative work behavior: the paradox of social exchange theory
I Arsawan, IW Wirga, I Rajiani, NPS Suryantini
Polish Journal of Management Studies 21, 2020
Elucidating knowledge sharing on innovative work behavior: Multiperspective analysis
IWE Arsawan, NM Kariati, PA Prayustika, IW Wirga
ICORE 5 (1), 2021
Model pemberdayaan desa adat pada dua desa tujuan wisata di Bali
IGK Gede, IW Wirga, IGI Suryadi
Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 12 (1 Maret), 62, 2017
The Effect of Entertainment, Interaction, Customization, Trendiness, and Ewom (Electronic Word Of Mouth) Againts Brand Image in The Digital Bussiness Study Program of Bali …
IW Wirga, NIK Dewi, IK Pasek, UWE Saputra, IB Dananjaya
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2022
Improving the Performance and Competitiveness of the Company Through the Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy in MSMEs Which Promotion is On-Line in Karangasem District
IK Pasek, IW Sukarta, IKM Putra, IPY Laksana, IGN Sanjaya, IW Wirga
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2022
Strategi Pemberdayaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) di Kabupaten Karangasem
IW Sukarta, IW Wirga, IK Pasek, IB Sanjaya, IPY Laksana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV) 6 (2), 63-71, 2020
The Influence of Social Media Marketing to Gen-Z’s Purchase Intention to Stay in a Hotel
NIK Dewi, IW Wirga, UWE Putra, GP Adinigrat, IAPW Riyasa
International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science …, 2022
Strategi Revitalisasi Kawasan Wisata Sangeh (Studi Kasus Dengan Pendekatan Analisis Swot)
IWE Arsawan, NM Kariati, IW Wirga, NPS Suryantini
Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 6 (1), 101, 2017
Development of a conceptual framework for relationships between social media marketing and intentions to stay at five-star hotels
NIK Dewi, GP Adiningrat, IW Wirga, UWE Saputra, NW Sukartini
Journal of Business and Management Studies 4 (4), 137-150, 2022
Digital marketing on Gojek consumer loyalty
IKM Putra, IB Sanjaya, IW Wirga, IGK Gede, IW Sukarta
International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences 10 (1 …, 2023
Training and Assistance in Digital Marketing Strategies for Managing SMEs Business at Melasti Beach in Ungasan Village
UWE Saputra, APG Reyes, IAPW Riyasa, NIK Dewi, IW Wirga
Parta: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (2), 90-99, 2023
Strategi Pemasaran pada Hotel Grand Ixora Kuta Resort
NLC Apri, M Wajdi, IW Wirga
Politeknik Negeri Bali, 2022
Analisis Strategi Promosi Pada Bali Beach Glamping
PPA Seputri, IW Wirga, I Putra
Politeknik Negeri Bali, 2022
Explicating Human Capital Contribution for SMEs Sustainable Competitive Advantage
CGP Yudistira, WE Arsawan, IW Wirga, IK Santra, IB Sanjaya, NM Kariati
International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019-Social …, 2019
Promotion Strategy to Embed Brand-Positioning for the Applied Masters of Tourism Business Planning
IGN Sanjaya, IM Widiantara, IK Yasa, IW Wirga, IB Sanjaya, NK Lasmini
International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019-Social …, 2019
The Effect of Collaboration Strategy on Logistics Performance: Mediating Role of Logistics Capability
CGP Yudistira, IK Pasek, IGK Gede, IW Wirga, IK Yasa, IWE Arsawan
International Conference of Ethics on Business, Economics, and Social …, 2019
Implementation of supply chain management through collaboration strategy to improve logistic capability and performance
CGP Yudistira, IWE Arsawan, IW Wirga
Proceedings 1 (1), 73-84, 2018
IWE Arsawan, IW Wirga, JANPN Bali
Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan. Vol 8 (3), 2012
Market Orientation dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi pada Hotel Non Bintang di Kabupaten Badung)
IW Wirga
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen 7 (3), 2009
Does Green Perceived Value Impact the Green Repurchase Intention? A Perspective from the Body Shop Indonesia Consumer
IKM Putra, IW Wirga, IB Sanjaya, IK Pasek, IW Sukarta
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