Sony Sunaryo
Sony Sunaryo
Department of Statistics Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember
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Community participation in household solid waste reduction in Surabaya, Indonesia
Y Dhokhikah, Y Trihadiningrum, S Sunaryo
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102, 153-162, 2015
Designing of child growth chart based on multi-response local polynomial modeling
N Chamidah, IN Budiantara, S Sunaryo, I Zain
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 8 (3), 342-347, 2012
Spline smoothing for multi-response nonparametric regression model in case of heteroscedasticity of variance
B Lestari, IN Budiantara, S Sunaryo, M Mashuri
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 8 (3), 377-384, 2012
Community activities in residential solid waste reduction in Tenggilis Mejoyo District, Surabaya City, Indonesia
Y Trihadiningrum, IJ Laksono, Y Dhokhikah, A Moesriati, DR Radita, ...
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19, 526-535, 2017
Mengatasi masalah multikolinearitas dan outlier dengan pendekatan robpca (studi kasus analisis regresi angka kematian bayi di Jawa Timur)
S Sunaryo, S Setiawan, TH Siagian
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi 12 (1), 1-10, 2011
Structural equation modelling (SEM) dengan model struktural regresi spasial
TI Prihandini, S Sunaryo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Statistika Universitas Diponegoro 2011, 162-170, 2011
Spline estimator in multi-response nonparametric regression model with unequal correlation of errors
B Lestari, IN Budiantara, S Sunaryo, M Mashuri
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 6 (3), 327-332, 2010
The effect of religiosity and service quality on customer loyalty of Islamic banks mediated by customer trust and satisfaction
S Wahyoedi, A Sudiro, S Sunaryo, S Sudjatno
Management Science Letters 11 (1), 187-194, 2021
The impact of Brand awareness on purchase decision: mediating effect of halal logo and religious beliefs on halal food in Malang Indonesia
S Sunaryo, SEA Sudiro
Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference, 24-26, 2017
Analisa Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Pekerja Bangunangedung Penataan Ruang Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
D Handoko, S Sunaryo
Konstruksia 5 (2), 2014
Statistical test for multivariate geographically weighted regression model using the method of maximum likelihood ratio test
S Harini, P Purhadi, S Sunaryo
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 29 (5), 110-115, 2012
Pemodelan technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack) berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (tik) dengan pendekatan structural equation modeling (sem)
EW Puspitarini, S Sunaryo, E Suryani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XVIII, 1-8, 2013
Statistical modeling for mortality data using local generalized poisson regression model
ET Astuti, IN Budiantara, S Sunaryo, M Dokhi
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 33 (3), 92-101, 2013
Analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan Finite Mixture Partial Least Square (FIMIX-PLS)(Studi Kasus: Struktur Model Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2011)
IN Afifah, S Sunaryo
Surabaya: Thesis Master: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2014
Spline estimator in multi-response nonparametric regression model
B Lestari, N Budiantara, S Sunaryo, M Mashuri
Jurnal Ilmu Dasar 11 (1), 17-22, 2010
Perbandingan validasi APACHE II dan SOFA score untuk memperkirakan mortalitas pasien yang dirawat di ruang perawatan intensif
A Sunaryo, IS Redjeki, T Bisri
Majalah Kedokteran Terapi Intensif 2 (1), 11-20, 2012
Double seasonal recurrent neural networks for forecasting short term electricity load demand in Indonesia
S Sunaryo, S Suhartono, AJ Endharta
Recurrent neural networks for temporal data processing, 2011
The branch expansion and the performance of the banks: The case of Indonesia
H Prasetyo, S Sunaryo
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 18 (1), 85-106, 2015
sejarah perkembangan statistika dan aplikasinya
S Sunaryo, S Setiawan, A Djuraidah, A Saefuddin
Forum Statistika Dan Komputasi 8 (1), 2003
Metode PCR-TOPSIS untuk Optimasi Taguchi Multirespon
RJ Djami, S Sunaryo
Jurnal Statistika Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang 2 (1), 2014
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Articles 1–20