Universitas Islam Riau
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Structural Geology Analysis In A Disaster-Prone Of Slope Failure, Merangin Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province
Y Yuskar, DBE Putra, A Suryadi, T Choanji, C Cahyaningsih
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 2 (4), 249-254, 2017
Groundwater exploration using vertical electrical sounding (VES) method at toro jaya, langgam, riau
A Suryadi, DBE Putra, H Kausarian, B Prayitno, R Fahlepi
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 3 (4), 226-230, 2018
Geological mapping and assessment for measurement the electric grid transmission lines in west sumatera area, indonesia
H Kausarian, B Batara, DBE Putra, A Suryadi, MZ Lubis
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2018
Fault Analysis to Determine Deformation History of Kubang Pasu Formation at South of UniMAP Stadium Hill, Ulu Pauh, Perlis, Malaysia
A Suryadi
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 1 (1), 1-6, 2016
Infiltration Rate of Quarternary Sediment at Rumbio Jaya, Kampar, Riau
A Suryadi, T Choanji, D Wijayanti
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 3 (1), 57-62, 2018
2D Geo-Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil
MA Azahar, A Suryadi, AR Samsudin
Kerentanan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat di perbatasan Kabupaten Sambas menghadapi pandemi Covid-19
P Musa, A Suryadi, RR Paramitha
Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni 5 (1), 180-188, 2021
The genetic diversity and agronomical characters of local cultivars of tidal rice in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
R Rusdiansyah, T SUBIONO, W SUNARYO, A SURYADI, S Sulastri, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 18 (4), 1289-1293, 2017
Image processing of alos palsar satellite data, small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and field measurement of land deformation.
H Kausarian, JTS Sumantyo, DBE Putra, A Suryadi
International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics 4 (2), 2018
A New Geological Map of Formation Distribution on Southern Part of South China Sea:; Natuna Island, Indonesia
H Kausarian, S Lei, GT Lai, Y Cui, A Suryadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (1), 012020, 2019
Geological Mapping of Silica Sand Distribution on the Muda Island and Ketam Island, Estuary of Kampar River, Indonesia
H Kausarian, T Choanji, D Karya, EA Kadir, A Suryadi
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN …, 2018
Geological Structure Analysis to Determine the Direction of the Main Stress at Western Part of Kolok Mudik, Barangin District, Sawahlunto, West Sumatera
M Jannah, A Suryadi, M Zafir, R Saputra, I Hakim, R Ariyuswanto, U Yusti
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 2 (1), 46-52, 2017
Perlakuan benih sebelum disemai untuk beberapa jenis tanaman prioritas kehutanan, multiguna, buah–buahan, dan perkebunan
P Purnomosidhi, JM Roshetko, A Prahmono, A Suryadi, IN Ismawan, ...
Lembar Informasi Agfor, 2013
Coastal Deposit Characteristic Influenced by Terrestrial Organic Matter and Its Sedimentary Structure at Jangkang Beach, Bengkalis District, Riau Province—Indonesia
Y Yuskar, T Choanji, DB Ep, A Suryadi, RA Ramsof
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN …, 2018
Genus Nematoda Entomoparogen pada lahan lebak padi sawah (Oriza sativa L.) di kecamatan Muara Wis Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara
S Suyadi, J Nurdiana, A Suryadi, WS Rosfiansyah
Proceeding of Konferensi Antarbangsa Islam Borneo. Mulawarman University …, 2017
Rustiyarso,“Analisis Interaksi Sosial Asosiatif Pimpinan Dengan Karyawan Dalam Memotivasi Kerja Di Hotel Dangau Kabupaten Kubu Raya,”
AZ Suryadi
Pendidik dan Pembelajaran hatulistiwa 5 (11), 1-13, 2016
Masyarakat Madani
A Suryadi
Pemikiran, Teori dan Relevansinya, 2002
Petrography, Geology Structure and Landslide Characterization of Sumatra Fault Deformation: Study Case In Km 10-15 Highway, Koto Baru Sub District, West of Sumatra
C Cahyaningsih, PF Crensonni, Y Aditia, A Suryadi, Y Yuskar, T Choanji, ...
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 3 (4), 192-199, 2018
Fault analysis to Determine Deformation History of Kubang Pasu Formation at South of UniMAP Stadium Hill, Ulu Pauh
A Suryadi
JGEET (Journal Geosci. Eng. Environ. Technol. 1, 1–6, 2016
Potential Aquifer Exploration using Electrical Resistivity Imaging at Rumbio Jaya, Kampar, Riau
A Suryadi, DBE Putra, H Kausarian, AR Sholeh, M Tauladani, A Adriyadhi
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology 11 (1), 29-37, 2022
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