JSS (Journal of Social Science)
JSS (Journal of Social Science)
CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia
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The effect of financial literacy, fintech (financial technology) and intellectual capital on the performance of msmes in depok city, west java
N Hamidah, R Prihatni, I Ulupui
Journal of Social Science 1 (4), 152-158, 2020
Job satisfaction and work motivation in enhancing generation Z’s organizational commitment
PR Nabahani, S Riyanto
Journal of Social Science 1 (5), 234-240, 2020
Evaluation of Village Fund Management in Yapen Islands Regency Papua Province (Case Study at PasirPutih Village, South Yapen District)
F Simangunsong, S Wicaksono
Journal of Social Science 5 (9), 250-269, 2017
The Building of Character Nation Based on Islamic Religion Education in School
A Abbas, M Marhamah, A Rifa’i
Journal of Social Science 2 (2), 107-116, 2021
The effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, and interest coverage ratio on financial distress
E Setiany
Journal of Social Science 2 (1), 64-69, 2021
Settlement of Problematic Loans in the Unit Pengelola Kegiatan (UPK) of Pidie District did Sharia
M Ali
Journal of Social Science 1 (4), 147-151, 2020
The effect green marketing mix on corporate image as well as implication for purchase intention of food and beverages companies in Indonesia
RJ Sembiring
Journal of Social Science 2 (2), 210-222, 2021
The effectiveness of skimming and scanning techniques in improving student’s reading comprehension of grade eleven students of SMA Negeri 1 Tana Toraja
Y Mambua
Journal of Social Science 1 (3), 93-99, 2020
Contribution of inventory accounting systems in improving inventory internal control
AO Siagian
Journal of Social Science 1 (2), 1-6, 2020
The influence of work motivation and work environment on employee performance at Trapo Indonesia
P Khairunnisa, S Riyanto
Journal of Social Science 1 (5), 228-233, 2020
Public Service Performance of Civil Servants (PNS) at South Tondano District Office in Minahasa Regency
NK Giroth, M Mandagi, W Bogar
Journal of Social Science 3 (1), 157-170, 2022
Determinant of Firm Value LQ45 on Indonesia Stock Exchange
M Mariana, SW Ramadana
Journal of Sosial Science 1 (4), 137-141, 2020
The Effect of Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Stock Prices with Return on Equity as an Intervening Variable in Food and Beverage Companies
C Christia, EN Sari, EN Simorangkir, G Hutagalung
Journal of Social Science 2 (2), 126-134, 2021
analysis of the use of low-cost strategy for smes in indonesia in covid pandemic-19
A NingrumAmbarwati, S Riyanto
Journal of Social Science 1 (4), 122-128, 2020
Community-based Approach to Sustain Batik Tourism Village Area in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (The Case of Giriloyo Village)
APA Pribudi
Journal of Social Science 1 (4), 113-122, 2020
Implementation of the Islamic Economics in the Traditional Market of Brebes Regency
ANPD Wahana, M Syaifulloh
Journal of Social Science 1 (3), 36-40, 2020
Hoaks and resistance to government motion case study KAMI (Koalisi Aksi Menyelamatkan Indonesia)
F Belinda, M Puspitasari
Journal of Social Science 2 (2), 139-143, 2021
The influence of corporate governance on potential financial distress on transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 2013-2017
EJ Lelu, H Thamrin
Journal of Social Science 2 (1), 29-38, 2021
Supervisors professionality implementation in improving the creativity of islamic religious education teachers: study of middle school learning management in sumedang regency
AG Sukarelawan, H Sujiarto, A Gaffar, D Mardiana
Journal of Social Science 3 (1), 15-27, 2022
Analysis of Financial Statements Based on Financial Ratio and Vertical-Horizontal Method in PT Unilever, Tbk, 2016-2017 Period
NT Anggraini
Journal of Social Science 3 (1), 171-176, 2022
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