Lecturer of Physiology, Medical Faculty, Sriwijaya University
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Cited by
Epidemiology and risk factors for cervical cancer
P Agustiansyah, R Sanif, S Nurmaini
Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 5 (7 …, 2021
Pengaruh latihan fisik intensitas ringan dan sedang terhadap perubahan kadar hormon Beta–Endorphin Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) Hamil
R Monica, I Irfannuddin, N Nasution
Biomedical Journal of Indonesia 3 (2), 91-97, 2017
Effect of age and sex on the association between lipid profile and obesity among telecomunication workers in Palembang
H Darmawan, I Irfanuddin
Medical Journal of Indonesia 16 (4), 251-6, 2007
Pengaruh paparan gas amonia terhadap perubahan kadar serum SGOT dan SGPT pada kelompok berisiko
A Saputra, I Irfannuddin, S Swanny
Biomedical Journal of Indonesia 4 (1), 32-39, 2018
Impact of climate variability and incidence on dengue hemorrhagic fever in Palembang City, South Sumatra, Indonesia
M Rubel, C Anwar, I Irfanuddin, C Irsan, R Amin, A Ghiffari
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (E), 952-958, 2021
The recommended aerobic gymnastics has better effects on improving cognitive and motoric ability in children
Y Fediani, B Santoso, MR Kadir, MR Dewi
Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 2 (3 …, 2018
Persepsi mahasiswa dan dosen tentang ketercapaian kompetensi dasar dan klinis pendidikan dokter di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya
H Yudaristy, I Irfanuddin, MB Azhar
Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran …, 2014
The effect of ketogenic diets on neurogenesis and apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the male rat hippocampus
I Irfannuddin, SFP Sarahdeaz, K Murti, B Santoso, N Koibuchi
The Journal of Physiological Sciences 71, 1-7, 2021
Impact of latex coagulant various from rubber industry in South Sumatera
F Oktriyedi, MH Dahlan, I Irfannuddin, N Ngudiantoro
AIP Conference Proceedings 2344 (1), 2021
Pengaruh teknik afirmasi terhadap tingkat stress kerja perawat Covid-19
IFJ Kk, I Irfannuddin, B Santoso
Jurnal Media Kesehatan 13 (2), 67-72, 2020
Pengaruh Diet Ketogenik Terhadap Proliferasi Dan Ketahanan Sel Pada Jaringan Pankreas
EIA Tan, I Irfannuddin, K Murti
JMJ 7, 102-116, 2019
Community knowledge and attitudes about the transmission of dengue haemorrhagic fever and its relationship to prevention behaviour in palembang, south sumatra, Indonesia
M Minarti, C Anwar, I Irfannuddin, C Irsan
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (E), 1534-1543, 2021
Arrhythmia risk profile and ventricular repolarization indices in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AE Tondas, R Mulawarman, M Trifitriana, S Nurmaini, I Irfannuddin
The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 15 (02), 224-229, 2021
Meeting report: IUPS and ADInstruments 2017 Teaching Workshop
FK Marcondes, LT Cardozo, KCG Luchi, M Irfannuddin, C Karatzaferi, ...
Advances in Physiology Education 42 (2), 334-339, 2018
Paparan Gas Amonia Karet Terhadap Perubahan Kadar Serum MDA (Malondialdehyde)
I Irfannuddin, S Swanny
Biomedical Journal of Indonesia 3 (3), 113-119, 2017
Automated precancerous lesion screening using an instance segmentation technique for improving accuracy
P Agustiansyah, S Nurmaini, L Nuranna, I Irfannuddin, R Sanif, L Legiran, ...
Sensors 22 (15), 5489, 2022
The Tradition of The Grave Pilgrimage According to The Hadith of The Prophet
M Irfannuddin, D Darmawan
Gunung Djati Conference Series 4, 276-287, 2021
Cara Sistematis Berlatih Meneliti: Merangkai Sistematika Penelitian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan
DRD Irfannuddin, S KO, MP Ked
PT. Rayyana Komunikasindo, 2019
Knowledge and critical thinking skills increase clinical reasoning ability in urogenital disorders: a Universitas Sriwijaya Medical Faculty experience
I Irfannuddin
Medical Journal of Indonesia 18 (1), 53-9, 2009
Bin, Zulissetiana, EF, Santoso, B., Kurniati, AM, & Hestiningsih, T.(2021). Virtual national workshop: preparation of multimedia modules for physical education teachers in …
M Irfannuddin, A Laeto
Advances in Physiology Education 45 (3), 563-567, 0
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Articles 1–20