Edi Leksono
Edi Leksono
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Design and implementation of paired pectoral fins locomotion of labriform fish applied to a fish robot
PE Sitorus, YY Nazaruddin, E Leksono, A Budiyono
Journal of Bionic Engineering 6 (1), 37-45, 2009
Development of battery monitoring system in smart microgrid based on internet of things (IoT)
K Friansa, IN Haq, BM Santi, D Kurniadi, E Leksono, B Yuliarto
Procedia engineering 170, 482-487, 2017
Teknik kontrol automatik (sistem pengaturan)
K Ogata
Jilid I, Terjemahan Edi Laksono. Bandung: Erlangga, 1997
Development of battery management system for cell monitoring and protection
IN Haq, E Leksono, M Iqbal, FXN Sodami, D Kurniadi, B Yuliarto
2014 international conference on electrical engineering and computer science …, 2014
Teknik Kontrol Automatik (Sistem Pengaturan) Jilid 1
K Ogata, E Leksono
Mineapolis: University of Minnesota, 1985
State of charge (SoC) estimation on LiFePO4 battery module using Coulomb counting methods with modified Peukert
E Leksono, IN Haq, M Iqbal, FXN Soelami, IGN Merthayasa
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication …, 2013
State of charge (SoC) estimation of LiFePO4 battery module using support vector regression
IN Haq, RH Saputra, F Edison, D Kurniadi, E Leksono, B Yuliarto
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular …, 2015
Wireless sensor network for single phase electricity monitoring system via Zigbee protocol
MFB Anbya, M Salehuddin, S Hadisupadmo, E Leksono
2012 IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics, 261-266, 2012
Adaptive backstepping for stabilization of switched nonlinear systems
TA Tamba, E Leksono
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1293-1297, 2010
Battery module performance improvement using active cell balancing system based on Switched-Capacitor Boost Converter (S-CBC)
K Friansa, IN Haq, E Leksono, N Tapran, D Kurniadi, B Yuliarto
2017 4th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT …, 2017
Dynamic model of chloralkali membrane process
T Budiarto, E Esche, JU Repke, E Leksono
Procedia engineering 170, 473-481, 2017
Development of big data analytics platform for electric vehicle battery management system
MI Karmawijaya, IN Haq, E Leksono, A Widyotriatmo
2019 6th international conference on electric vehicular technology (ICEVT …, 2019
Support Vector Machine to Predict Electricity Consumption in the Energy Management Laboratory
AZ Fuadi, IN Haq, E Leksono
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) 5 (3), 466-473, 2021
Performance ratio estimation and prediction of solar power plants using machine learning to improve energy reliability
S Bandong, E Leksono, A Purwarianti, E Joelianto
2019 6th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and …, 2019
Model predictive control design and performance analysis of a pasteurization process plant
S Hadisupadmo, E Leksono
2016 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation …, 2016
Adaptive speed control of induction motor with DSP implementation
E Leksono, Pratikto
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference 2, 1423-1428, 2004
Optimization of a grid-tied microgrid configuration using dual storage systems
PY Nugraha, A Widyotriatmo, E Leksono
2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2015
Cooperative motion control of multimanipulator based on workspace disturbance observer with variable compliance gain
E Leksono, M Toshiyuki, O Kouhei
ieej transactions on industry applications 118 (1), 16-23, 1997
Predicting electricity consumption in microgrid-based educational building using google trends, google mobility, and covid-19 data in the context of covid-19 pandemic
M Wasesa, DT Andariesta, MA Afrianto, IN Haq, J Pradipta, M Siallagan, ...
IEEE Access 10, 32255-32270, 2022
Q-learning hybrid type-2 fuzzy logic control approach for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking under varying solar irradiation exposure
RF Iskandar, E Leksono, E Joelianto
Int. J. Intell. Eng. Syst 15, 199-208, 2021
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