Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University
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Assessing the seasonal dynamics of the Java’s paddy field using MODIS satellite images
Y Setiawan, E Rustiadi, K Yoshino, H Effendi
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3 (1), 110-129, 2014
Gemini virus attack analysis in field of chili (Capsicum annuum L.) using aerial photography and Bayesian segmentation method
M Solahudin, B Pramudya, R Manaf
Procedia Environmental Sciences 24, 254-257, 2015
GIS analysis of conjunctive water resource use in Nganjuk district, east Java, Indonesia
Liyantono, T Kato, H Kuroda, K Yoshida
Paddy and Water Environment 11, 193-205, 2013
Temporal crop coefficients and water productivity of lettuce (Lactuca sativa l.) hydroponics in planthouse
R Muharomah, BI Setiawan, MYJ Purwanto, L Liyantono
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 22 (1), 22-29, 2020
Pemanfaatan Fusi Data Satelit Lapan-a3/Ipb Dan Landsat 8 Untuk Monitoring Lahan Sawah
Y Setiawan, LB Prasetyo, H Pawitan, L Liyantono, S Syartinilia, ...
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2018
Dynamics pattern analysis of paddy fields in Indonesia for developing a near real-time monitoring system using modis satellite images
Y Setiawan, A Fatikhunnada, PA Permatasari, MR Aulia
Procedia Environmental Sciences 33, 108-116, 2016
Parallel processing implementation on weather monitoring system for agriculture
D Susanto, KB Seminar, H Sukoco, L Liyantono
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 (3), 682-687, 2017
Assessment of pre-treatment and classification methods for Java paddy field cropping pattern detection on MODIS images
A Fatikhunnada, M Solahudin, A Buono, T Kato, KB Seminar
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 17, 100281, 2020
Performance of quasi-real-time paddy field monitoring systems in Indonesia
J Kubota, L Liyantono, CA Sutoyo Sutoyo, T Ito, SK Saptomo, IW Budiasa, ...
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 37, 10, 2014
Water supply pumping control system using PWM based on precision agriculture principles
H Heriyanto, KB Seminar, M Solahudin, IDM Subrata, L Supriyanto, ...
International Agricultural Engineering Journal 25 (2), 1-8, 2016
Evaluation of water debit in oil palm plantation watershed using the soil water assessment tool (SWAT)
E Susanto, BI Setiawan, Y Suharnoto, L Liyantono
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 8 (6), 332-341, 2017
A., Permatasari, PA, & Aulia, MR (2015). Dynamics pattern analysis of paddy fields in Indonesia for developing a near real-time monitoring system using modis satellite images …
Y Setiawan, F Liyantono
Microclimate condition in the natural ventilated greenhouse
VAK Dewi, BI Setiawan, RSB Waspodo, L Liyantono
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim 44 (1), 31-36, 2020
Analysis of paddy productivity using NDVI and K-means clustering in Cibarusah Jaya, Bekasi Regency
Y Almadani, Y Adillah, MM Yusuf, MNR Mahbub, A Fatikhunnada
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 557 (1), 012085, 2019
Suitability study for tourism sites in the southern coast of West Java
F Ramdhani, G Pramono, I Faizal
World News of Natural Sciences 34, 2021
Modeling Air Temperature Inside an Organic Vegetable Greenhouse
VAK Dewi, BI Setiawan, B Minasny, L Liyantono, RSB Waspodo
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 42 (2), 295-305, 2020
A Field Monitoring Station Network for Supporting the Development of Integrated Water Resources Management
SKS Sutoyo, J Kubota, IW Budiasa, C Arif, B Setiawan, H Kato, ...
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 37, 30, 2014
The influence of El Nino southern oscillation on agricultural production sustainability in a tropical monsoon region: case study in nganjuk district, East Java, Indonesia
T Kato, K Yoshida, H Kuroda
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 7 (1), 65-74, 2012
Pendekatan Ekonomi Ergonomika untuk Perancangan Optimal Tenaga Kerja dan Mekanisasi pada Produksi Beras Organik
M Muanah, MF Syuaib, L Liyantono
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat 6 (1), 7-10, 2019
Optimization of Parallel K-means for Java Paddy Mapping Using Time-series Satelite Imagery
A Fatikhunnada, KB Seminar, L Liyantono, M Solahudin, A Buono
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (3 …, 2018
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