Journal of Science and Applicative Technology
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology
Institut Teknologi Sumatera
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Analisis kerapatan kelurusan (lineament density) di lapangan panasbumi Suoh-Sekincau, Lampung
M Iqbal, BR Juliarka
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (2), 61-67, 2019
Studi Awal Potensi Energi Surya Wilayah Lampung: Studi Kasus Kampus Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) Menuju Smart Campus
K Kananda
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 1 (2), 75 - 81, 2018
Perencanaan Geometri Jalan Rel Trase Bakauheni –Sidomulyo
WN Sari, MAB Nadi, AM Ridho
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 5 (1), 148-157, 2021
Evaluasi satellite precipitation product (GSMaP, CHIRPS, dan IMERG) di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan
A Pratama, HM Agiel, AA Oktaviana
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 6 (1), 32-40, 2022
Jenis-Jenis Gastropoda di Zona Intertidal Pantai Indrayanti Yogyakarta
DF Lestari, F Fatimatuzzahra, S Syukriah
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 5 (1), 187-193, 2021
Ekstraksi DNA total dari sumber jaringan hewan (Ikan Kerapu) menggunakan metode kit for animal tissue
Y Ariyanti, S Sianturi
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (1), 40-45, 2019
Analisis Kinerja High Pressure Heater (Hph) Tipe Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
D Gahana
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 2 (2), 23-33, 2018
Analisis potensi energi matahari di Institut Teknologi Sumatera: Pertimbangan Faktor Kelembaban dan Suhu
MS Anrokhi, MY Darmawan, A Komarudin, K Kananda, DL Puspitarum
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (2), 89-92, 2019
Uji Performa Gasoline Engine menggunakan bioaditif cengkeh dengan bensin berkadar oktan 90
DGC Alfian, RA Prahmana, DJ Silitonga, A Muhyi, D Supriyadi
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (1), 49-53, 2020
Hedonic Test Method for Measuring Instant Pindang Seasoning Powder Preferences
DT Mareta
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (1), 34-36, 2019
Perancangan Tata Letak Laboratorium Pakan dengan Metode Computerized Relationship Layout Planning di Industri Penggemukan Sapi
D Fajarika, R Gusvita, N Sofriani
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (2), 68-77, 2019
Wayang Klithik Robot
G Setiawan
Wayang Nusantara: Journal of Puppetry 2 (1), 2018
Analysis image-based automated 3D crack detection for post-disaster bridge assessment in flyover Mall Boemi Kedaton
MAB Nadi, SA Fauzan
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 2 (1), 1-9, 2019
Identifikasi deksametason dalam jamu pegal linu sediaan serbuk yang beredar di Pasar-pasar kota bandar lampung secara kromatografi lapis tipis
SM Khoirunnisa
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 1 (2), 94-101, 2018
Green synthesis ZnO nanoparticles using rinds extract of sapindus rarak DC
DD Yanti, E Maryanti
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 5 (1), 198-201, 2021
Pembuatan film plastik biodegradable dari limbah kulit kopi dengan penambahan kitosan/gliserol
ER Safitra, I Herlina
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (1), 38-42, 2020
Feasibility study of shallot production in financial aspect in central lampung (Case study: Kota Gajah)
D Fajarika, RU Fahadha, I Mardiono, N Miswari
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 2 (1), 26-34, 2019
Studi ekstraksi bijih emas asal pesawaran dengan metode pelindian agitasi dalam larutan sianida
FR Mufakhir, H Saputra
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (2), 103-109, 2020
Desain dan Implementasi Inverter Satu Fasa 400 Watt dengan Metode Switching High Frequency
J Ismiyadinata, H Yuliansyah, MRK Aziz, AS Rohman
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 3 (1), 9-16, 2019
Uji potensi Bacillus sp. dan Escherichia coli dalam menghasilkan Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) tanpa menggunakan triptofan pada media pertumbuhan
M Asril
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 1 (2), 82-86, 2017
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Articles 1–20