Prof. Ari Widyanti, PhD.
Prof. Ari Widyanti, PhD.
Department of Industrial Engineering ITB
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Cited by
Pengukuran beban kerja mental dalam searching task dengan metode rating scale mental effort (RSME)
A Widyanti, A Johnson, D Waard
J@ ti Undip, 1-6, 2010
Adaptation of the rating scale mental effort (RSME) for use in Indonesia
A Widyanti, A Johnson, D de Waard
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 43 (1), 70-76, 2013
e-Learning Readiness and Perceived Learning Workload among Students in an Indonesian University.
A Widyanti, S Hasudungan, J Park
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 12 (1), 18-29, 2020
Ethnic differences in Indonesian anthropometry data: Evidence from three different largest ethnics
A Widyanti, L Susanti, IZ Sutalaksana, K Muslim
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 47, 72-78, 2015
Cultural influences on the measurement of subjective mental workload
A Johnson, A Widyanti
Ergonomics 54 (6), 509-518, 2011
Anthropometry approach in workplace redesign in Indonesian Sundanese roof tile industries
IZ Sutalaksana, A Widyanti
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 53, 299-305, 2016
A cross-cultural analysis of personality structure through the lens of the HEXACO model
A Ion, D Iliescu, S Aldhafri, N Rana, K Ratanadilok, A Widyanti, ...
Journal of Personality Assessment 99 (1), 25-34, 2017
Ergonomic checkpoint in agriculture, postural analysis, and prevalence of work musculoskeletal symptoms among Indonesian farmers: road to safety and health in agriculture
A Widyanti
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri 20 (1 …, 2018
Reducing the dependency on rice as staple food in Indonesia-a behavior intervention approach.
A Widyantia, I Sunaryo, AD Kumalasari
National culture moderates the influence of mental effort on subjective and cardiovascular measures
A Widyanti, D de Waard, A Johnson, B Mulder
Ergonomics 56 (2), 182-194, 2013
The influence of personality, sound, and content difficulty on virtual reality sickness
A Widyanti, HN Hafizhah
Virtual Reality 26 (2), 631-637, 2022
Anthropometry of Indonesian Sundanese children and the development of clothing size system for Indonesian Sundanese children aged 6–10 year
A Widyanti, M Mahachandra, HR Soetisna, IZ Sutalaksana
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 61, 37-46, 2017
The sensitivity of Galvanic Skin Response for assessing mental workload in Indonesia
A Widyanti, Hanna, K Muslim, IZ Sutalaksana
Work 56 (1), 111-117, 2017
Speed choice and speeding behavior on Indonesian highways: Extending the theory of planned behavior
H Qaid, A Widyanti, SA Salma, F Trapsilawati, T Wijayanto, UD Syafitri, ...
IATSS research 46 (2), 193-199, 2022
Mobile phone use among Indonesian motorcyclists: prevalence and influencing factors
A Widyanti, GB Pratama, AH Anindya, FP Sari, A Sumali, SA Salma, ...
Traffic injury prevention 21 (7), 459-463, 2020
Eye blink rate as a measure of mental workload in a driving task: convergent or divergent with other measures?
A Widyanti, NF Sofiani, HR Soetisna, K Muslim
International Journal of Technology 8 (2), 2017
The Influence of Safety Climate, Motivation, and Knowledge on Worker Compliance and Participation: An Empirical Study of Indonesian SMEs
N Ansori, A Widyanti
Ingeniería e Investigación 41 (3), 2021
Internet addiction among Indonesia university students: Musculoskeletal symptoms, physical and psychosocial behavior problems
GB Pratama, A Widyanti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 528 (1), 012015, 2019
Linking basic human values, risk perception, risk behavior and accident rates: The road to occupational safety
IZ Sutalaksana, SZZ Zakiyah, A Widyanti
Industrial Engineering 10 (5), 2019
The role of safety silence motives to safety communication and safety participation in different sectors of small and medium enterprises: investigation results on two kinds of …
N Ansori, A Widyanti
Safety and health at work 12 (2), 192-200, 2021
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Articles 1–20