Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari
Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati
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Cited by
Preparation of reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) assisted by microwave irradiation and hydrothermal for reduction methods
S Setiadji, BW Nuryadin, H Ramadhan, CDD Sundari, T Sudiarti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012079, 2018
PEO/PVA/LiOH solid polymer electrolyte prepared via ultrasound-assisted solution cast method
RM Putri, CDD Sundari, O Floweri, TR Mayangsari, AL Ivansyah, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 556, 120549, 2021
A rational design of carbon dots via the combination of nitrogen and oxygen functional groups towards the first NIR window absorption
R Umami, FA Permatasari, DAM Muyassiroh, AS Santika, CDD Sundari, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (4), 1394-1402, 2022
New insight into pyrrolic-N site effect towards the first NIR window absorption of pyrrolic-N-rich carbon dots
FA Permatasari, R Umami, CDD Sundari, TR Mayangsari, AL Ivansyah, ...
Nano Research 16 (4), 6001-6009, 2023
Corrosion inhibition using lignin of sugarcane bagasse
PP Rahayu, CDD Sundari, I Farida
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012087, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of calcium oxide nanoparticles from duck eggshells using ball milling methods
AY Nuryantini, CDD Sundari, H Halimahtussa’diah, BW Nuryadin
Jurnal Kimia Valensi 5 (2), 232-235, 2019
Insights into the intermolecular interactions and temperature-concentration dependence of transport in ionic liquid-based EMI–TFSI/LiTFSI electrolytes
CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah, O Floweri, IM Arcana, F Iskandar
New Journal of Chemistry 46 (8), 3966-3977, 2022
Computational Study of Inclusion Complexes Between Omeprazole Enantiomer with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin
S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, BW Nuryadin, H Zayyinunnisya, R Cahyandari, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012055, 2018
Synthesis of solid catalyst from egg shell waste and clay for biodiesel production
S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, M Munir, S Fitriyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1013 (1), 012199, 2018
Synthesis of zeolite L using rice husk ash silica for adsorption of methylene blue: kinetic and adsorption isotherm
CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, Y Rohmatullah, S Sanusi, DF Nurbaeti, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 05002, 2018
The increased use value of bamboo leaves as silica source for t-type zeolite synthesis
S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, E Lala, DF Nurbaeti, I Novianti, D Suhendar, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 05003, 2018
A DFT and TDDFT Study of PCM Effect on N3 Dye Absorption in Ethanol Solution
CDD Sundari, MA Martoprawiro, AL Ivansyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 812, 2017
Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-11 using bamboo leaf as silica source
S Setiadji, IS Nurazizah, CDD Sundari, W Darmalaksana, DF Nurbaeti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012084, 2018
Synthesis of zeolite NaX using elephant grass (pennisetum purpureum) as a silica source and its characterization
S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, V Aprilia, E Sumiyanto, I Novianti, AL Ivansyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066016, 2019
Pemanfaatan Rumput Gajah Sebagai Sumber Silika Untuk Sintesis Zeolit T
S Setiadji, AS Wahyuni, D Suhendar, CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan 4 (2), 51-60, 2017
Synthesis of silicalite-1 zeolite using silica from elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)
CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, A Andriani, E Sumiyanto, AL Ivansyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055064, 2019
Ab initio study on electronic structure of some imidazole derivatives and its correlation with corrosion inhibition properties
CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, BW Nuryadin, R Syafia, AF Huda, AL Ivansyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012054, 2018
Additional halogen group (F, Cl, and Br) to 2-Phenyl-imidazole [1, 2α] pyridine on corrosion inhibition properties: a computational study
CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, MA Ramdhani, AL Ivansyah, NIT Widhiasari
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012033, 2018
Surface Functional Groups Effect on the Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dots: Initial TD-DFT Study
R Umami, FA Permatasari, CDD Sundari, F Muttaqien, F Iskandar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2243 (1), 012043, 2022
Computational study of inclusion complex between Omeprazole enantiomer and β-Cyclodextrin: NBO and RDG analysis
AL Ivansyah, ES Nurhidayah, CDD Sundari, MA Martoprawiro, B Buchari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055068, 2019
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Articles 1–20