Faktor Risiko Penularan Penyakit Skabies pada Santri di Pondok Pesantren An Nawawi Berjan Kecamatan Gebang Kabupaten Purworejo Jawa Tengah S Ihtiaringtyas, B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati Balaba: Jurnal Litbang Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang Banjarnegara …, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
The phytochemical analysis of hay infusions and papaya leaf juice as an attractant containing insecticide for Aedes aegypti WH Cahyati, W Asmara, SR Umniyati, B Mulyaningsih Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 12 (2), 218-224, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Study on vector mosquito of zoonotic Brugia malayi in Musi Rawas, South Sumatera, Indonesia B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati, S Hadisusanto, E Edyansyah Veterinary world 12 (11), 1729, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Detection of Non specific Esterase Activity In Organophosphate Resistant Strain Of Aedes Albopictus Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae In Yogyakarta, Indonesia B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati, T Hadianto Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 48 (3), 552, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Biolarvicidal effects of papaya leaves juice against Aedes aegypti Linn larvae WH Cahyati, W Asmara, SR Umniyati, B Mulyaningsih Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 12 (2), 780-785, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Resistance status of aedes aegypti to malathion and cypermethrin in Bengkulu city, Indonesia D Triana, SR Umniyati, B Mulyaningsih Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 50 (3), 461-8, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Lemongrass, Cloves, Orange Leaves As Insence Combustible for Aedes Aegypti Repellant S Mulyani, B Mulyaningsih, AW Lestari, FA Munawaroh, DS Anna Majalah Obat Tradisional 18 (3), 195-200, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
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Insecticide resistance and posible mechanisms of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Yogyakarta B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati, TBT Satoto, A Diptyanusa, ... J Med Sci 50 (1), 24-32, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Larvicidal activity of a mixture of cashew nut shell liquid and water-soluble extract of soap nut fruit (Sapindus rarak DC.) against 3rd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti GR Raraswati, S Sudarsono, B Mulyaningsih Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 3 (2), 53-57, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Evidence of Rickettsia typhi in Rat fleas of Various Habitat and the Potential Transmission of Murine Typhus in Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia. N Pramestuti, SR Umniyati, B Mulyaningsih, D Widiastuti, J Raharjo Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9 (8), 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
The effect of anticoagulant in blood meal source on the Aedes aegypti reproductive ability in laboratory N Lusiyana, B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati Tropical Medicine Journal 3 (2), 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Uji Laboratorium Pemberian Insect Growth Regulator Pyriproxyfen terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Larva Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus Asal Bantul, Daerah Istimewa … IN HAENI Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Resistance Status of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) on Malathion in Bengkulu City D Triana, SR Umniyati, B Mulyaningsih Unnes Journal of Public Health 7 (2), 113-119, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Uji toksisitas minyak atsiri jahe (Zinngiber Officinale) sebagai antifilariasis pada hewan uji mencit dan tikus B Mulyaningsih, S Pramono, D Suhardjono Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran 31 (1999), 1999 | 6 | 1999 |
Culex quinquefasciatus with the highest MHD as a potential filariasis vector in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia, a Filariasis Endemic Area S Istianah, B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science …, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Diversity, dominancy, and periodicity of mosquitoes in filariasis endemic areas in Samborejo Village Tirto District Pekalongan Regency RRUNW Astuti, B Mulyaningsih, RW Nurcahyo, RCH Soesilohadi, ... Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease 7 (6), 131-136, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Detection of polymorphism on voltage-gated sodium channel gene of Indonesian Aedes aegypti associated with resistance to pyrethroids B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati, TBT Satoto, E Ernaningsih, ... The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 10 (3), 250-5, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
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Ernaningsih. Bukti adanya penularan virus dengue secara transovarial pada nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Kota Yogyakarta SJ Mardihusodo, TBT Satoto, B Mulyaningsih, SR Umniyati Simposium Nasional Aspek Biologi Molekuler, Patogenesis, Manajemen dan …, 0 | 5 | |