sri anggraeni
Cited by
Cited by
Isotherm adsorption characteristics of carbon microparticles prepared from pineapple peel waste
ABD Nandiyanto, GCS Girsang, R Maryanti, R Ragadhita, S Anggraeni, ...
Communications in Science and Technology 5 (1), 31-39, 2020
The deployment of drones in sending drugs and patient blood samples COVID-19
S Anggraeni, A Maulidina, MW Dewi, S Rahmadianti, YPC Rizky, ...
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 5 (2), 193-200, 2020
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
PK Devi, S Anggraeni
Jakarta. Pus. Perbukuan Dep. Pendidik. Nas 1 (15), 56-212, 2008
Effects of particle size and composition of sawdust/carbon from rice husk on the briquette performance
S Anggraeni, GCS Girsang, ABD Nandiyanto, MR Bilad
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (3), 2298-2311, 2021
Adsorption isotherm of carbon microparticles prepared from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seeds for dye removal
ABD Nandiyanto, SN Hofifah, HT Inayah, SR Putri, SS Apriliani, ...
Iraqi Journal of Science, 1404-1414, 2021
Identifikasi miskonsepsi siswa SMP pada konsep Fotosintesis melalui analisis gambar
D Ariandini, S Anggraeni, A Aryani
Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 18 (2), 178-184, 2013
Curcumin Adsorption on Carbon Microparticles: Synthesis from Soursop (AnnonaMuricata L.) Peel Waste, Adsorption Isotherms and Thermodynamic and Adsorption Mechanism.
ABD Nandiyanto, ZF Arinalhaq, S Rahmadianti, MW Dewi, YPC Rizky, ...
International Journal of Nanoelectronics & Materials 13, 2020
Synthesis of carbon microparticles from red dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) peel waste and their adsorption isotherm characteristics
ABD Nandiyanto, R Maryanti, M Fiandini, R Ragadhita, D Usdiyana, ...
Molekul 15 (3), 199-209, 2020
Analisis Dan Rekonstruksi Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Indra Pengecap Berbasis Diagram Vee:(Analysis And Reconstruction Of Tastebuds Student Worksheets Based On The Vee Diagram)
R Ramadhayanti, S Anggraeni, B Supriatno
Biodik 6 (2), 200-213, 2020
Developing System Thinking Skills through Project-Based Learning Loaded with Education for Sustainable Development.
RA Ekselsa, W Purwianingsih, S Anggraeni, AGC Wicaksono
Journal of Biological Education Indonesia (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi …, 2023
Penerapan asesmen kinerja dalam meningkatkan kemampuan inkuiri melalui pembelajaran levels of inquiry siswa SMA
I Kusumastuti, S Anggraeni, W Surakusumah
Syntax Literate 5 (1), 101-116, 2020
Penerapan diagram vee dalam model pembelajaran inquiry lab dan group investigation untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi kuantitatif siswa kelas VII pada materi pencemaran …
NSM Aisya, S Saefudin, B Supriatno, S Anggraeni
Proceeding Biology Education Conference 13 (1), 112-117, 2016
Effects of particle size and composition of cassava peels and rice husk on the briquette performance
S Anggraeni, SN Hofifah, ABD Nandiyanto, MR Bilad
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (1), 527-542, 2021
Analisis dan Rekonstruksi Komponen Penyusun Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Struktur dan Fungsi Jaringan Tumbuhan:(Analysis and Reconstruction of the Components of the Student …
N Nadia, B Supriatno, S Anggraeni
Biodik 6 (2), 187-199, 2020
Improving Critical Thinking and Metacognition Ability Using Vee Diagram through Problem-Based Learning of Human Respiratory System
I Laelasari, S Anggraeni
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 70-72, 2017
Palm oil and cinnamon (anti-microbial agent) on the physicochemical, mechanical, and biodegradation properties of micrometer-sized cornstarch-based bioplastic
S Anggraeni, ABD Nandiyanto, AM Nurjami, SN Hofifah, SR Putri, ...
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry 9 (3), J. Chem. 9 N° 3 (2021) 446-453, 2021
Preservices creative thinking skills on biotechneur programs
IF Natadiwijaya, A Rahmat, S Redjeki, S Anggraeni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (2), 022111, 2019
Desain eksperimen fotosintesis pengaruh suhu bermuatan literasi kuantitatif
NVC Saputri, DKB Surbakti, AD Tarmizi, B Supriatno, S Anggraeni
Jurnal Basicedu 6 (4), 7608-7618, 2022
Analisis Lembar Kerja Siswa Praktikum Struktur Darah berbasis Diagram Vee:(Analysis of Blood Structure Student’s Practical Worksheet based on Diagram Vee)
Y Handayanie, S Anggraeni, B Supriatno
Biodik 6 (3), 361-371, 2020
Pengembangan Mikroskop Digital Berbasis Blended Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Jasmaniah Kinestetik Mahasiswa pada Praktikum Anatomi Tumbuhan
S Sugianto, A Fitriani, S Anggraeni, W Setiawan
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dan Sains 1 (2), 53-58, 2020
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Articles 1–20