Lecture of Agriculture Technology, Pontianak State Polytechnic
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The Effectiveness of STEM-Based Learning in Teaching 21 st Century Skills in Generation Z Student in Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis
Ichsan, Y Suharyat, TA Santosa, E Satria
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) 9 (1), 150-166, 2023
Evaluasi pembelajaran
A Kurniawan, AN Febriant, T Hardianti, I Ichsan, D Desy, R Risan, ...
Meta-Analisis Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Abad-21 Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA
Y Suharyat, Ichsan, E Satria, TA Santosa, KN Amalia
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling 4 (5), 5081-5088, 2022
The Effect of Student Worksheet With Creative Problem Solving Based On Students Problem Solving Ability
I Ichsan, DE Subroto, RAPK Dewi, A Ulimaz, I Arief
JOURNAL ON EDUCATION 5 (4), 11583-11591, 2023
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbasis TPACK Terhadap Ketrampilan Literasi Sains Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Siswa Tingkat SD Sampai SMA: Sebuah Meta-Analisis
Ichsan, Suhaimi, KN Amalia, TA Santosa, S Yulianti
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling 4 (5), 2173-2181, 2022
Pengaruh Service Quality dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Customer Satisfaction (Studi Kasus Gerai Ritel Burger Cepat Saji)
Suryati, UE Setyasari, EP Perwitasari, SA Pramono, Khamaludin, ...
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan 6 (3), 5639-5643, 2022
Efforts to Build Nationalism Values to Vocational High School Students with The implementation of Character Education
Ichsan, H Tannady, A Nuryana, TM Fuadi, P Putra
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan 11 (2), 361-372, 2023
Meta Analysis Study: The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Learning In Science Learning in Indonesia
Y Suharyat, Ichsan, TA Santosa, S Aprilisia, S Yulianti
International Journal Of Education and Literate 1 (3), 6-13, 2022
Efektivitas Evaluasi Model CIPP Dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Indonesia : Meta- Analisis
Ichsan, TA Santosa, A Ilwandri, Sofianora, U Yastanti
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) 5 (2), 2423-2430, 2023
Pengaruh Profesionalitas Guru Matematika dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa Era Revolusi Industri 5.0 di Indonesia: Sebuah Meta-analisis
Ichsan, A Sofianora, Desy, Y Suharyat, TA Santosa, A Supriyadi
JURNAL Math-UMB.EDU 10 (2), 49-58, 2023
Examining IT-Based Human Resources Strategies in Islamic Higher Education and Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia
AA Musyaffa, A Muktamar B, Ichsan, AY Setianto, M Hasanah
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education 4 (3), 519-534, 2023
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Pokok Bahasan Tabung untuk SMP Negeri 2 Nanga Taman Kelas IX
L Yupinus, Ichsan, Y Ardiawan
SQUARE : Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2 (1), 61-72, 2020
Concept and Implementation Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Higher Education
MAK Harahap, B Ismaya, A Wahab, SA Pramono, I Ichsan
Jurnal Pendidikan 8 (1), 62-66, 2023
Constructivism Philosophy in Developing Prospective Educators on the Implementation of Merdeka Belajar in Vocational Schools
Ichsan, A Saefudin, Kraugusteeliana, F Meisarah
International Journal of Education, Vocational and Social Science 2 (1), 306-319, 2023
Analisis pembelajaran daring dalam pembelajaran ipa di sma/ma di indonesia pasca pandemi covid-19: sebuah literatur reviews
Y Suharyat, A Supriyadi, I Ichsan, E Satria, TA Santosa
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) 4 (5), 1860-1865, 2022
Pengolahan Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Menjadi Granul Effervescent sebagai Minuman Kesehatan dan Analisis Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomisnya
M Ramadhia, Ichsan
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 7 (2), 149-167, 2018
Selection Outstanding Student Using Moora Method
Ichsan, PA Cakranegara, DE Subroto, YD Wikandari, AJ Wahidin
JURNAL INFOKUM 10 (4), 33-40, 2022
Meta-analysis Study: The Effect of the Independent Curriculum Integrated Project Based Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Natural Science Materials
Y Suharyat, Ichsan, A Supriyadi, TA Santosa, A Sofianora
LITERACY : International Scientific Journals Of Social, Education and …, 2023
Literature Review: TPACK-Based Science Learning in Supporting Teacher Quality in Indonesia
Y Suharyat, Ichsan, TA Santosa, S Yulianti, KN Amalia
International Journal of Education and Literature (IJEL) 1 (2), 44-50, 2022
Meta-Analysis: The Effectiveness Of Learning The Effectiveness Of Problem Solving-Based STEM Learning On 21 st Century Skills Of High School Students In Indonesia
Y Suharyat, I Ichsan, E Satria, TA Santosa
International Journal of Education and Literature (IJEL) 1 (3), 6-14, 2022
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Articles 1–20