Gatot Susilo Lawrence Lao
Gatot Susilo Lawrence Lao
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Genetika hipertensi
S Bakri, GS Lawrence
Dalam: Lubis, HR, dkk., eds, 19-31, 2008
High-fat diet increases the level of circulating Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in Wistar rats, independent of obesity
H Rasyid, M Aman, GS Lawrence
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 65, 2021
Correlation between Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) with Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) in Ischemic Stroke Patient
J Widodo, A Asadul, A Wijaya, G Lawrence
Bali Medical Journal 5 (2), 202-204, 2016
Implikasi Klinis Disfungsi Endotel dan Radikal Bebas
GS Lawrence
Journal Med Nus 25, 94-102, 2004
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of Mezzetia parviflora Becc. Woodbark extract
M Murdifin, E Wahyudin, GS Lawrence, MA Manggau, G Alam
Pharmacognosy Journal 4 (34), 18-21, 2012
Radikal bebas sebagai prediktor aterosklerosis pada tikus wistar diabeter mellitus
Z Musthafa, GS Lawrence, A Seweang
Cermin dunia kedokteran 127, 30-31, 2000
The Effects of High Fat Diet on the Incidence of Obesity and Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Levels on Histological Changes in Prostate Wistar Rats
Syarif, H Rasyid, M Aman, GS Lawrence, A Bukhari, I Patellongi, ...
Research and Reports in Urology, 57-63, 2024
MetS merupakan manifestasi dari keadaan inflamasi
J Med Nus 26, 48-5, 2005
Relations Between Atherogenic Index of Plasma, Ratio of Small Dense Low Density Lipoprotein/Lecithin Cholesterol Acyl Transferase and Ratio of Small Dense Low Density …
E Susanti, M Donosepoetro, GS Lawrence
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 1 (2), 38-44, 2009
Metformin improves FOXP3 mRNA expression through suppression of interferon gamma levels in pristane-induced murine models of lupus
S Sumantri, M Hatta, R Natzir, H Rasyid, I Rengganis, MN Massi, AA Islam, ...
F1000Research 9, 342, 2021
Antiatherogenic effect of Mezzetia parviflora BECC. extract in high cholesterol fed rats
M Murdifin, E Wahyudin, GS Lawrence, MA Manggau, G Alam, E Pakki, ...
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (5), 499-505, 2015
Effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on quality of life of knee osteoarthritis
IY Gessal, P Ilhamjaya, L Gatot
American Journal of Health Research 3 (3), 166-69, 2015
Association of free fatty acid (FFA), fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and adiponectin with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) among obese non …
Y Lina, GS Lawrence, A Wijaya
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 1 (2), 31-7, 2009
Kadar adiponektin rendah pada toleransi glukosa terganggu: implikasi vaskuler awal
G Lawrence, I Yusuf, A Wijaya, S Wahid
Jurnal Medika Nusantara 25 (3), 2004
Analysis of natural resistance-associated macrophage protein-1 (Nramp-1) level based on death, comorbidities and severity of covid-19 patients: A cross-sectional study
R Dwiyanti, AA Muthaher, D Achmad, G Arsyadi, BJ Nelwan, MH Cangara, ...
Annals of medicine and surgery 85 (6), 2587-2591, 2023
Allogeneic islet cells implant on poly-l-lactide matrix to reduce hyperglycaemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat
S Hendrawan, I Yusuf, M Hatta, M Aman, I Patellongi, AL Serra, ...
Pancreatology 17 (3), 411-418, 2017
Role of Postmortem Multislice Computed Tomography Scan in Close Blunt Head Injury
P Sidipratomo, TKS Prija, B Murtala, A Purwadianto, GS Lawrence
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 6 (2), 101-6, 2014
Levels of Adiponectin and Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Receptor 2 (sNFαR2) in Obese Males with or without Fatty Liver
A Sulaeman, S Wahid, A Sulaiman, GS Lawrence
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive …, 2011
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): study of biochemical markers free fatty acid (FFA), total antioxidant status (TAOS), adiponectin …
A Sulaeman, AR Amiruddin, GS Lawrence
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 1 (1), 40-4, 2009
Role of 8-isoprostane, Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2) in Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease
W Rositawati, S Bakri, GS Lawrence, A Wijaya
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 5 (2), 129-36, 2013
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