If our English isn’ta language, what is it? Indonesian EFL student teachers’ challenges speaking English M Abrar, A Mukminin, A Habibi, F Asyrafi, M Makmur, L Marzulina The Qualitative Report 23 (1), 129-145, 2018 | 308 | 2018 |
Building an Online Community: Student Teachers’ Perceptions on the Advantages of Using Social Networking Services in A Teacher Education Program A HABIBI, A MUKMININ, Y RIYANTO, LD PRASOJO, U SULISTIYO, ... Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (Scopus and Web of Science) 19 …, 2018 | 193 | 2018 |
EFL Speaking Anxiety among Senior High School Students and Policy Recommendations A Mukminin, M Masbirorotni, N Noprival, S Sutarno, N Arif, M Maimunah Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 9 (3), 217-225, 2015 | 165 | 2015 |
International Graduate Students’ Cross-Cultural Academic Engagement: Stories of Indonesian Doctoral Students on an American Campus A Mukminin, BJ McMahon The Qualitative Report-USA (Scopus and Web of Science Emerging Sources …, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Curriculum Reform in Indonesia: Moving from an Exclusive to Inclusive Curriculum A Mukminin, A Habibi, LD Prasojo, A Idi, A Hamidah Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (SCOPUS Q3) 9 (2), 53-72, 2019 | 140 | 2019 |
Voices from Within: Student Teachers’ Experiences in English Academic Writing Socialization at One Indonesian Teacher Training Program A Mukminin, RM Ali, MJ Fadloan Ashari The Qualitative Report-USA (Scopus and Web of Science Emerging Sources …, 2015 | 121 | 2015 |
A sequential explanatory investigation of TPACK:: Indonesian science teachers’ survey and perspective M Muhaimin, A Habibi, A Mukminin, F Saudagar, R Pratama, S Wahyuni, ... JOTSE 9 (3), 269-281, 2019 | 112 | 2019 |
The Long Walk to Quality Teacher Education in Indonesia: Student Teachers’ Motives to become a Teacher and Policy Implications A Mukminin, T Rohayati, HA Putra, A Habibi, M Aina Elementary Education Online-Turkey (Scopus, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus) 16 (1), 35-59, 2017 | 105 | 2017 |
Investigating EFL Classroom Management in Pesantren: A Case Study A Habibi, A Mukminin, J Najwan, M Sofwan, S Haswindy, L Marzulina, ... The Qualitative Report (Scopus and Web of Science) 23 (9), 2105-2122, 2018 | 97 | 2018 |
Why Teacher Education? Documenting Undocumented Female Student Teachers’ Motives in Indonesia: A Case Study A Mukminin, D Kamil, Muazza, E Haryanto The Qualitative Report-USA (Scopus and Web of Science) 22 (1), 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
Manajemen strategi human capital dalam pendidikan LD Prasojo, A Mukminin, FN Mahmudah Yogyakarta: UNY Press, Edisi 1 (3), 16-24, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Science teachers’ integration of digital resources in education: A survey in rural areas of one Indonesian province A Habibi, A Mukminin, P Hadisaputra Heliyon 6 (8), 2020 | 72 | 2020 |
LEARNING TO TEACH IN A DIGITAL AGE: ICT INTEGRATION AND EFL STUDENT TEACHERS’TEACHING PRACTICES LD Prasojo, A Mukminin, A Habibi, L Marzulina, S Muhammad, K Harto Teaching English with Technology (Scopus and Web of Science) 18 (3), 18-32, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
PREDICTING FACTORS AFFECTING INTENTION TO USE WEB 2.0 IN LEARNING: EVIDENCE FROM SCIENCE EDUCATION Muhaimin, A Habibi, A Mukminin, R Pratama, Asrial, H Harja Journal of Baltic Science Education 18 (4), 595-606, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
Linguistic Intelligence of Undergraduate EFL Learners in Higher Education: A Case Study D Erlina, L Marzulina, A Astrid, D Desvitasari, RS Sapriati, RD Amrina, ... Universal Journal of Educational Research 7 (10), 2143, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
Education in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools: Voices on Curriculum and Radicalism, Teacher, and Facilities Muazza, A Mukminin, A Habibi, M Hidayat, A Abidin The Islamic quarterly 62 (4), 507-536, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
TEACHERS’ INTENTION TO CONTINUE USING VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (VLE): MALAYSIAN CONTEXT H Awang, ZM Aji, MFM Yaakob, A Osman, Wan Rozaini Sheik, Mukminin, ... (Scopus) Journal of Technology and Science Education 8 (4), 439-452, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Learning to Teach: A Case Study of Student Teachers’ Practicum and Policy Recommendations U Sulistiyo, A Mukminin, K Abdurrahman, E Haryanto The Qualitative Report-USA (Scopus and Web of Science) 22 (3), 712-731, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Managing Digital Learning Environments: Student Teachers’ Perception on the Social Networking Services Use in Writing Courses in Teacher Education LD PRASOJO, A HABIBI, A MUKMININ, Muhaimin, M Taridi, Ikhsan, ... The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Scopus and ERIC) 16 (4 …, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |