Endang Tri Margawati
Endang Tri Margawati
Research Center for Applied Zoology, BRIN
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Cited by
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in sheep. I. A new male framework linkage map and QTL for growth rate and body weight
HW Raadsma, PC Thomson, KR Zenger, C Cavanagh, MK Lam, E Jonas, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 41, 1-17, 2009
Transgenic animals: Their benefits to human welfare
ET Margawati
Genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein gene in Friesian Holstein: a basic selection of dairy cattle superiority.
SD Volkandari, ET Margawati
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 42 (4), 2017
Phylogenetic analysis of Aceh cattle breed of Indonesia through mitochondrial D-Loop region
EM Sari, H Jianlin, RR Noor, C Sumantri, ET Margawati
Journal of genetic engineering and biotechnology 14 (1), 227-231, 2016
A global strategy of using molecular genetic information to improve genetics in livestock
ET Margawati
Reproduction in domestic animals 47, 7-9, 2012
Towards molecular genetic characterisation of high resistance to internal parasites in Indonesian Thin Tail sheep.
HW Raadsma, ET Margawati, D Piedrafita, E Estuningsih, S Widjayanti, ...
Pengujian pencemaran daging babi pada beberapa produk bakso dengan teknologi PCR: Pencarian sistem pengujian efektif
ET Margawati, M Ridwan
Berita Biologi 10 (1), 93-98, 2010
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for production traits of birth weight and weight 360 days in backcross sheep
ET Margawati, HW Raadsma, H Martojo
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 13 (1), 31-35, 2006
Optimization of expression JTAT protein with emphasis on transformation efficiency and IPTG concentration
ET Margawati, AM Fuad, M Ridwan, SD Volkandari
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 15 (2), 515-519, 2017
Identifikasi Virus Penyakit jembrana pada Sapi Bali Menggunakan penanda Molekuler Gen env Su
I Indriawati, ET Margawati, M Ridwan
Berita Biologi 12 (2), 211-216, 2013
The effective of growth factor on in vitro embryo development
ET Margawati
Med Vet 6, 27-34, 1999
Efisiensi penggunaan ransum oleh ayam kampung jantan dan betina pada periode pertumbuhan
ET Margawati
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Tentang Unggas Lokal. Fakultas Peternakan …, 1989
Factor and discriminant analysis in the morphostructure of Batur and Wonosobo sheep breeds
I Alek, I Budisatria, E Baliarti, WPB Putra, ET Margawati, BA Atmoko, ...
Indian Journal of Animal Research 57 (11), 1561-1567, 2023
Genotyping of Kappa-Casein gene of buffalo in Indonesian
ET Margawati, SD Volkandari, C Talib
International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology, 37-44, 2017
QTL mapping and gene markers for resistance to infectious diseases in sheep and cattle.
HW Raadsma, KJ Fullard
Genetic diversity and relationship among Indonesian local sheep breeds on Java Island based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
A Ibrahim, E Baliarti, IGS Budisatria, WT Artama, R Widayanti, D Maharani, ...
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 21 (1), 34, 2023
Genetic diversity and relationship among Bali cattle from several locations in Indonesia based on ETH10 microsatellite marker
ET Margawati, SD Volkandari, I Indriawati, M Ridwan
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 23 (4), 168-173, 2019
Koleksi DNA dan konfirmasi marka ETH10 pengkode sifat pertumbuhan pada Sapi Pasundan
HU Ningsih, TBP Prakarsa, ET Margawati
BIOTROPIC: The Journal of Tropical Biology 1 (1), 18-25, 2017
Ovine disease resistance: integrating comparative and functional genomics approaches in a genome information-poor species
HW Raadsma, KJ Fullard, NM Kingsford, ET Margawati, E Estuningsih, ...
Genomics of Disease, 89-113, 2008
Sudaryanti. 1988
S van Balen, ET Margawati
A checklist of the birds of the Botanical Gardens of Bogor, West Java …, 1988
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Articles 1–20