Diana Krisanti Jasaputra
Diana Krisanti Jasaputra
lecture of Pharmacology, Universitas Kristen Maranatha
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Cited by
Effect of interleukins (IL-2, IL-15, IL-18) on receptors activation and cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells in breast cancer cell
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, T Mozef, R Rizal, ...
African health sciences 20 (2), 822-832, 2020
Metodologi penelitian biomedis
DK Jasaputra, S Santosa
Edisi II, 2008
Metodologi Penelitian Biomedis Edisi 2
DK Jasaputra, S Santosa
Danamartha Sejahtera Utama: Bandung, 2008
Selective cytotoxic potential of IFN-γ and TNF-α on breast cancer cell lines (T47D and MCF7)
W Widowati, H Murti, DK Jasaputra, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, N Fauziah, ...
Asian J Cell Biol 11 (1), 1-12, 2016
Direct and indirect effect of TNFα and IFNγ toward apoptosis in breast cancer cells
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, E Afifah, R Rizal, ...
Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Sciences 2 (2), 60-9, 2018
Effects of Pomegranate Peel (Punica granatum L.) Extract as an Anthelmintic
M Amelia, DK Jasaputra, R Tjokropranoto
Journal of Medicine and Health 1 (5), 2017
Akurasi deteksi mycobacterium tuberculosis dengan teknik PCR menggunakan “Primer X” dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan mikroskopik (BTA) dan kultur sputum penderita dengan gejala …
DK Jasaputra, P Onggowidjaja, S Soeng
Maranatha Journal of Medicine and Health 5 (1), 148527, 2005
The role of autophagy modulated by exercise in cancer cachexia
JW Gunadi, AS Welliangan, RS Soetadji, DK Jasaputra, R Lesmana
Life 11 (8), 781, 2021
Effects of Conditioned Medium of Co-Culture IL-2 Induced NK Cells and Human Wharton's Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hWJMSCs) on Apoptotic Gene Expression in a Breast Cancer …
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, P Onggowidjaja, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, ...
Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 51 (3), 2019
Konsep Pembuatan Obat Tradisional Yang Baik Pada Pengobatan Tradisional Di Provinsi Jawa Barat
D Jasaputra, N Budiastuti
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan 1 (1), 2015
Gangguan sistem imun pada anak autistik
DK Jasaputra
Maranatha Journal of Medicine and Health 2 (2), 148039, 2003
Cytotoxic activity of buah merah fractions (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) towards cervical cancer cell in HeLa cells culture
H Ratnawati, W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, S Soeng
Proceeding ot The International Seminar on Chemistry, 317-320, 2008
Apoptotic potential of secretome from interleukin-induced natural killer cells toward breast cancer cell line by transwell assay
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, TL Wargasetia, AM Azizah, M Subangkit, ...
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 27 (3), 186-186, 2020
Etnopharmacology observation of medicinal plant/traditional medicinal ingredient for dyslipidemia treatment in West Java local wisdom
G Wiwaha, SN Budiastuti, DK Jasaputra, E Rohmawaty, VY KD, ...
Jurnal Medika Planta 2 (1), 246949, 2012
The effect of celery ethanol extract (Apium graveolens L.) on male adult's blood pressure
K Dewi, DK Jasaputra, O Litanto
Jurnal Medika Planta 1 (2), 246363, 2010
Metodologi Penelitian Biomedis
S Santosa, DK Jasaputra
Bandung: PT Danamartha Sejahtera Utama, 2008
Dietary flavonoids against various breast cancer subtypes: A molecular docking study
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, Y Heriady, A Faried, R Rizal, WS Widodo, ...
ScienceAsia 45 (5), 452-457, 2019
Isolation, characterization and proliferation of cancer cells from breast cancer patients
W Widowati, Y Heriady, DR Laksmitawati, DK Jasaputra, TL Wargasetia, ...
Acta Informatica Medica 26 (4), 240, 2018
Potential role of exercise in regulating YAP and TAZ during cardiomyocytes aging
Y Limyati, A Sanjaya, T Lucretia, JW Gunadi, V Biben, DK Jasaputra, ...
Current Cardiology Reviews 18 (5), 24-33, 2022
Effect of Physalis Minina, Linn, Psidium Guajava, Linn., Sweitenia Mahagoni, Jacq Ethanol Extract Against Blood Glucose Level
D Kurniawati, DK Jasaputra, K Dewi, M Sujatno, MS Putra, MY Sallyvania, ...
Jurnal Medika Planta 1 (2), 246506, 2010
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Articles 1–20