Muhammad Isrul
Muhammad Isrul
Universitas Mandala Waluya
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Studi Etnomedisin Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Hipertensi di Kecamatan Poleang Tenggara Kabupaten Bombana Sulawesi Tenggara
S Saranani, H Himaniarwati, WO Yuliastri, M Isrul, A Agusmin
Jurnal Mandala Pharmacon Indonesia 7 (1), 60-82, 2021
Formulasi sediaan lipstik ekstrak kulit buah ruruhi (Syzygium policephalum Merr) sebagai pewarna
U Dwicahyani, M Isrul, WON Noviyanti
Jurnal Mandala Pharmacon Indonesia 5 (02), 91-103, 2019
Antidiabetic effect of the combination of garlic peel extract (Allium sativum) and onion peel (Allium cepa) in rats with oral-glucose tolerance method
N Lolok, HM Mashar, I Annah, A Saleh, WO Yuliastri, M Isrul
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12 (5), 2153-2156, 2019
In silico analysis of marine natural product from sponge (Clathria Sp.) for their activity as inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
DSF Ramadhan, F Siharis, S Abdurrahman, M Isrul, TM Fakih
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 40 (22), 11526-11532, 2022
Uji Efek Antiinflamasi Infusa Daun Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Terhadap Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Karagenan
M Isrul, C Dewi, V Wahdini
Jurnal Mandala Pharmacon Indonesia 6 (2), 97-103, 2020
Edukasi Penggunaan Hand Sanitizer Dan Cairan Desinfektan Untuk Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 Di Wilayah Desa Talia Kecamatan Abeli Kota Kendari: Education on the Use of Hand …
WO Yuliastri, M Isrul, S Hasanuddin, N Lolok
Jurnal Mandala Pengabdian Masyarakat 1 (2), 75-80, 2020
Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Fungi Endofit Daun Jambu Mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) Sebagai Antibakteri Terhadap Salmonella typhimurium
A Rianto, M Isrul, S Anggarini, A Saleh
Jurnal Mandala Pharmacon Indonesia 4 (02), 109-121, 2018
Antidepressant activity and identification of chemical compounds extract mustard leaves (Brassica juncea L.)
R Mahmudah, S Hasanuddin, A Saleh, WO Yuliastri, M Isrul
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12 (7), 3223-3227, 2019
Phytochemical analysis, standardization and cytotoxic activity of Curcuma aureginosa extract in human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell line
M Isrul, R Juliansyah, A Saleh, WO Yuliastri, J Pusmarani, ...
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12 (4), 1967-1973, 2019
Antimycobacterial activity of Gynura procumbens leaves extract against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
M Isrul, M Idrus, S Hasanuddin, HM Mashar, A Mutmainnah
International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP) 12 (03), 2018
Phytochemical constituent and in-vitro cytotoxic activity of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. Calyx fraction on human breast cancer cell line Mda-Mb-231
WO Yuliastri, A Diantini, M Ghozali, I Sahidin, M Isrul
Cell 15 (3), 1619-1625, 2022
Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.) dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kadar Interleukin 6 (IL-6) Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar
N Fratiwi, S Saranani, G Agastia, M Isrul
Jurnal Pharmacia Mandala Waluya 1 (2), 54-67, 2022
Immunomodulatory activity and phytochemical analysis of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flower fractions
WO Yuliastri, A Diantini, M Ghozali, I Sahidin, M Isrul
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 11 (11), 131-140, 2021
Ethnomedical study of plants efficacious for hypertension medicine in Poleang Tenggara District, Bombana District, Southeast Sulawesi
S Saranani, H Himaniarwati, WO Yuliastri, M Isrul, A Agusmin
Jurnal Fitofarmaka Indonesia 7 (1), 60-82, 2021
Penyuluhan dan Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional dalam Aplikasi Herbal Instan dan Tanaman Obat Keluarga Di Desa Pamandati Kecamatan Lainea Sulawesi Tenggara
M Isrul, MI Akbar, M Yati, A Kurniawan, RU Nurlila, SEA Dewi, ...
Jurnal Mandala Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (1), 268-272, 2023
Uji Stabilitas Masker Gel Peel Off Ekstrak Daun Tembelekan (Lantana camara L.) dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan
S Hasninal, M Isrul, NHA Halid
Jurnal Pharmacia Mandala Waluya 1 (3), 117-126, 2022
PKM Gerakan Masyarakat Cermat Cerdas Menggunakan Obat (Gema Cermat) di SMK Negeri 4 Kendari: PKM Smart Community Movement Using Drugs at SMK Negeri 4
C Dewi, FS Siharis, S Hasanuddin, N Lolok, M Isrul
Jurnal Mandala Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (1), 40-45, 2021
Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Etanol Daun Cabai Rawit Spesies Capsicum frutescens Linn dan Capsicum annum pada Staphylococcus aureus
J Saripa, S Hasanuddin, M Isrul
Jurnal Mandala Pharmacon Indonesia 6 (2), 104-110, 2020
Ethnomedicinal Study of Medicinal Plants used against Infectious Disease by Muna Tribe of South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia
H Himaniawati, A Saleh, WO Yuliastri, M Isrul, J Pusmarani, R Juliansyah, ...
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13 (4), 1829-1834, 2020
In-Vitro Study of Mucolytic Activity of Extract and Essential Oil of Citrus Maxima Peel
N Muctahara, N Cahyani, H Febriani, M Isrul, WO Yuliastri
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Articles 1–20