Dr. Idat Galih Permana
Dr. Idat Galih Permana
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Produksi dan komposisi nutrisi serta kecernaan in vitro Indigofera sp pada interval dan tinggi pemotongan berbeda
A Tarigan, L Abdullah, SP Ginting, IG Permana
JITV 19 (2), 2010
Penggunaan berbagai sumber karbohidrat terlarut air untuk meningkatkan kualitas silase daun rami
D Despal, IG Permana, SN Safarina, AJ Tatra
Media Peternakan 34 (1), 69-69, 2011
Peningkatan produksi ternak ruminansia melalui amoniasi pakan serat bermutu rendah, defaunasi dan suplementasi sumber protein tahan degradasi dalam rumen
T Sutardi, D Sastradipradja, T Toharmat, AS Tjakradidjaja, IG Permana
Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing 1994, 1993
Studi hubungan respon ukuran tubuh dan pemberian pakan terhadap pertumbuhan sapi pedet dan dara pada lokasi yang berbeda
S Syawal, BP Purwanto, IG Permana
JITP 2 (3), 175-188, 2013
Forage production and nutrient composition of different sorghum varieties cultivated with indigofera in intercropping system
M Telleng, KG Wiryawan, P Karti, IG Permana, L Abdullah
Media Peternakan 39 (3), 203-209, 2016
Teknik Membuat Biskuit Pakan Ternak dari Limbah Pertanian
Y Retnani, IG Permana, NR Kumalasari
Penebar Swadaya Grup, 2015
Utilization of mungbean’s green house fodder and silage in the ration for lactating dairy cows
R Zahera, IG Permana, Despal
Media Peternakan 38 (2), 123-131, 2015
Synchronization of rumen degradable protein with non-fiber carbohydrate on microbial protein synthesis and dairy ration digestibility
A Rosmalia, IG Permana, D Despal
Veterinary World 15 (2), 252, 2022
Utilization of bioslurry on maize hydroponic fodder as a corn silage supplement on nutrient digestibility and milk production of dairy cows
HD Nugroho, IG Permana, Despal
Media Peternakan 38 (1), 70-76, 2015
Use of sugarcane bagasse for mushroom and animal feed production
IG Permana, G Flachowsky, U ter Meulen, F Zadrazil
Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi 2000 1, 385, 2000
Introduction of Complete Ration Silage to Substitute the Conventional Ration at Traditional Dairy Farms in Lembang
U Hasanah, IG Permana, Despal
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16 (8), 577-587., 2017
Addition of water soluble carbohydrate sources prior to ensilage for ramie leaves silage qualities improvement.
D Despal, IG Permana, SN Safarina, AJ Tatra
Media Peternakan 34 (1), 69-76, 2011
Effect of feeding frequency on survival and growth of juvenile spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor in Indonesia
S Syafrizal, CM Jones, IG Permana, NBP Utomo
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation and Legislation 11, 1427-1434, 2018
Kondisi Fisiologis, Profil Darah Dan Status Mineral Pada Induk dan Anak Kambing Peranakan Etawah (PE)(Physiological Conditions, Blood Profile and Mineral Statues of Kid and Doe …
E Rosita, IG Permana, T Toharmat, D Despal
Buletin Ilmu Makanan Ternak 13 (1), 2015
Prediction accuracy improvement of Indonesian dairy cattle fiber feed compositions using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy local database
D Despal, LA Sari, R Chandra, R Zahera, IG Permana, L Abdullah
Tropical Animal Science Journal 43 (3), 263-269, 2020
Model penentuan suhu kritis pada sapi perah berdasarkan kemampuan produksi dan manajemen pakan
D Suherman, BP Purwanto, W Manalu, IG Permana
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 8 (2), 121-138, 2013
Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinus edodes on lignocellulose substrates for fruiting bodies and animal feed production
IG Permana, U ter Meulen, G Flachowsky, F Zadrazil
Deutscher Tropentag, 2000
Model Pendugaan Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) pada Hijauan Pakan Tropis menggunakan Komposisi Nutrien
AS Indah, IG Permana, D Despal
Sains Peternakan: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Peternakan 18 (1), 38-43, 2020
Penyediaan pakan berkualitas berbasis sorgum (Sorghum bicolor) dan Indigofera (Indigofera zollingeriana) dengan pola tanam tumpangsari
MM Telleng, L Abdullah, IG Permana, PDMH Karti, K Wiryawan
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2017
Physical characteristic and palatability of biscuit bio-supplement for dairy goat
Y Retnani, IG Permana, LC Purba
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 17 (5), 725-729, 2014
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Articles 1–20