Lailatul Husniah
Cited by
Cited by
Gamification And GDLC (Game Development Life Cycle) Application For Designing The Sumbawa Folklore Game” The Legend Of Tanjung Menangis (Crying Cape)”
L Husniah, BF Pratama, H Wibowo
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing …, 2018
Cnn based autoencoder application in breast cancer image retrieval
AE Minarno, KM Ghufron, TS Sabrila, L Husniah, FDS Sumadi
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
Interaktif augmented reality untuk katalog penjualan rumah berbasis android
L Husniah, F Saputro, EB Cahyono
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing …, 2016
Game Development to Introduce Indonesian Traditional Weapons using MDA Framework
L Husniah, F Fannani, AS Kholimi, AE Kristanto
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing …, 2019
Skeletonization using thinning method for human motion system
WA Kusuma, L Husniah
2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2015
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berhitung Untuk Anak Menggunakan Metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle
BF Pratama, L Husniah
Matrix: Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Informatika 8 (2), 42-46, 2018
Gemar: Geometry augmented reality application for elementary school students
L Husniah, YBS Nugraha, AS Kholimi, UL Yuhana, EM Yuniarno, ...
2020 IEEE Graphics and Multimedia (GAME), 25-30, 2020
Data Warehouse Menggunakan Snowflake Schema Pada Virtual Shop
V Novreza, Y Munarko, L Husniah
Jurnal Repositor 2 (1), 2020
Pengembangan aplikasi pembelajaran IPA Kelas VII berbasis android
L Husniah, NA Yuneta, ED Wahyuni, AS Kholimi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 5, 148-154, 2019
Automatic game world generation for platformer games using genetic algorithm
AS Kholimi, A Hamdani, L Husniah
2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2018
Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian Berbasis Android
M Anggraini, GI Marthasari, L Husniah
Jurnal Repositor 2 (2), 2020
Pengembangan Game Edukasi Pembiakan Lele Menggunakan Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics (MDA) Framework
AS Kholimi, S Prasetiyono, L Husniah
Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika: JANAPATI 9 (3), 313-325, 2020
Pengembangan media pembelajaran bilangan pecahan kelas VII menggunakan metode MDLC di MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang
ED Wahyuni, AR Fiqqih, AS Kholimi, L Husniah
Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Rekayasa (SENTRA), 2020
Island Generator pada Game Open world Menggunakan Algoritma Perlin noise
N Azzmi, L Husniah, AS Kholimi
Jurnal Repositor 2 (7), 2020
Algoritma Maze Generator Recursive Backtracking Untuk Membuat Prosedural Labirin Pada Game Petualangan Labirin 3D
E Setiadharma, L Husniah, AS Kholimi
Jurnal Repositor 2 (3), 2020
Facial Rigging untuk Karakter 3D Berbasis Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
L Husniah, H Wibowo, EM Yuniarno
Journal of Animation and Games Studies 1 (1), 17-30, 2015
Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Dayak Ngaju Kalimantan Tengah Berbasis Smartphone Android
CR Nuari, L Husniah, W Suharso
Jurnal Repositor 2 (7), 2020
Aplikasi Simulasi Public Speaking Berbasis Android Dengan Unity 3D
A Hanafi, L Husniah, AS Kholimi
Jurnal Repositor 2 (2), 2020
Game Android “The Game Of Topeng Malangan” Sebagai Media Pengenalan Seni Rupa Topeng Malangan
AA Montazeri, H Wibowo, L Husniah
Jurnal Repositor 2 (2), 2020
Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Tematik Pada Platform Android Untuk Siswa Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar
ED Wahyuni, L Husniah, N Chomariya
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2018 (4), 149-156, 2018
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Articles 1–20