Makruf Nurudin
Makruf Nurudin
Department of Soils, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Cited by
The ecological perspective of landslides at soils with high clay content in the middle Bogowonto Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia
J Sartohadi, NA Harlin Jennie Pulungan, M Nurudin, W Wahyudi
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2018 (1), 2648185, 2018
Relationships between soil characteristics and productivity of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra
M Nurudin, S Ohta, EB Hardiyanto, D Mendham, A Wicaksono, ...
Tropics 22 (1), 1-12, 2013
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Tanaman Perkebunan di Wilayah Galela, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Propinsi Maluku Utara
TM Hartati, BH Sunarminto, M Nurudin
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 33 (1), 68-77, 2018
Nutrient management of contrasting Acacia mangium genotypes and weed management strategies in South Sumatra, Indonesia
DS Mendham, EB Hardiyanto, A Wicaksono, M Nurudin
Australian Forestry 80 (3), 127-134, 2017
Composition of organic C fractions in soils of different texture affected by sugarcane monoculture
A Kusumawati, E Hanudin, BH Purwanto, M Nurudin
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 66 (1), 206-213, 2020
The relationship between surface topography and peat thickness on Tebing Tinggi Island, Indonesia.
B Nasrul, A Maas, SNH Utami, M Nurudin
Field‐Based Biochar, Pumice, and Mycorrhizae Application on Dryland Agriculture in Reducing Soil Erosion
SS Nugraha, J Sartohadi, M Nurudin
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2022 (1), 1775330, 2022
Utilization of soil function information for assessing soil quality of rice field in the quaternary-tertiary volcanic transitional zones in central Java
A Prayitno, J Sartohadi, M Nurudin
SAINS TANAH-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 16 (2), 169-180, 2019
Relationship between soil morphology and variability of upland degradation in Bogowonto Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia
K Aji, A Maas, M Nurudin
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 7 (3), 2209, 2020
Morphology and physicochemical properties of soils in reclamation of ex-coal mining
A Khaidir, BH Purwanto, M Nurudin, E Hanudin
Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 53 (2), 184-189, 2019
Land Suitability Evaluation for Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) In Galela Region, North Halmahera Districts, North Maluku, Indonesia
TM Hartati, BH Sunarminto, SNH Utami, BH Purwanto, M Nurudin
International Journal of Soil Science 12 (2), 84-96, 2017
Spatial distribution of soil morphology and physicochemical properties to assess land degradation under different NDVI and TRI in North Halmahera, Indonesia
R Rofita, SNH Utami, A Maas, M Nurudin
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 9 (1), 3137, 2021
Effect of Cow Manure and KCl on Changes in Soil Properties and Growth of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) in Inceptisol Galela
TM Hartati, SNH Utami, M Nurudin
5th International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources …, 2020
Labile carbon fraction, humic acid, and fulvic acid on organic and conventional farming of rice field in Imogiri and Berbah
LMT Sijabat, M Nurudin, S Notohadisuwarno, SNH Utami
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 215 (1), 012005, 2018
Determination of cation exchange capacity and analysis of cation availability in hemic and sapric peat with different preparation and extraction methods
MA Siregar, A Ma'as, M Nurudin
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science) 6 (1), 47-53, 2021
Analisis kelayakan usahatani pala berdasarkan kelas kesesuaian lahan
TM HartatiHartati, BH Sunarminto, SNH Utami, BH Purwanto, M Nurudin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agribisnis 1 (1), 2020
The ecological perspective of landslides at soils with high clay content in the middle Bogowonto Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia. Appl Environ Soil Sci
J Sartohadi, HJP NA, M Nurudin, W Wahyudi
Soil Sci, 2018
Realising genetic gains in Indonesia and Australian plantations through water and nutrient management
D Mendham, E Hardiyanto
ACIAR Final Reports No. FR2011-07. Canberra: Australian Centre for …, 2011
Assessing soil quality index under different sugarcane monoculture periods and soil orders
A Kusumawati, E Hanudin, BH Purwanto, M Nurudin
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 54 (2), 225-242, 2023
Analysis of FTIR spectroscopic data to observe hydrophilic and hydrophobic levels of peat in hemic and sapric maturity
MA Siregar, JA Santri, D Aksani, A Maas, M Nurudin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1025 (1), 012026, 2022
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Articles 1–20