Tatat Hartati
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Pembinaan dan pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia
N Resmini, T Hartati, I Cahyani
Bandung: Upipress, 2009
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di Kelas Rendah
T Hartati, Y Cuhariah
Bandung: UPI, 2006
Multimedia in literacy development at remote elementary schools in West Java (multimedia dalam pengembangan literasi di sekolah dasar terpencil Jawa Barat)
T Hartati
Edutech 15 (3), 301-310, 2017
Kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi dan penguasaan konsep siswa sekolah dasar melalui implementasi model pembelajaran RADEC
D Setiawan, W Sopandi, T Hartati
Premiere Educandum: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Dan Pembelajaran 9 (2), 130, 2019
Profile of Learning Environmental Literacy in Elementary School
L Nugraha, US Saud, T Hartati, VS Damaianti
PrimaryEdu: Journal of Primary Education 6 (2), 211-222, 2022
Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Siswa Kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar melalui Model Read, Answer, Disscuss, Explain, And Create: Radec
D Setiawan, T Hartati, W Sopandi
Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar 4 (1), 1-16, 2019
Effectiveness of critical multiliteration model with radec model on the ability of writing explanatory text
D Setiawan, T Hartati, W Sopandi
EduHumaniora: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar 12 (1), 1-14, 2020
Improving Indonesian Elementary School Students’ Writing Skill on Narrative Text using “GOGREEN” Learning Model
L Nugraha, US Sa’ud, T Hartati, VS Damaianti, RD Puspita
Specialusis Ugdymas 1 (43), 8963-8988, 2022
Multimedia dalam pengembangan literasi Di sekolah Dasar Terpencil
T Hartati
Jurnal Sekolah Dasar 25 (1), 47-54, 2016
Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Dengan Metode PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas Tinggi
RA Rahayu, AR Riyadi, T Hartati
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 3 (2), 46-56, 2018
Pengaruh Media Film Animasi Fiksi Islami Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyimak Dan Berbicara Siswa Sekolah Dasar
M Istova, T Hartati
JPsd (Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar) 2 (1), 72-86, 2016
The development of digital comic on ecosystem for thematic learning in elementary schools
L Mustikasari, G Priscylio, T Hartati, W Sopandi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1469 (1), 012066, 2020
The influence of read, answer, disscuss, explain, and create (RADEC) learning model on the concept mastery of elementary school students on the water cycle topic
D Setiawan, W Sopandi, T Hartati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1521 (4), 042113, 2020
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge {TPACK) dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Mahasiswa PPG SD Prajabatan
T Hartati, D Heryanto, R Nuriyanti, AS Herman, R Sutedi
Edutech 18 (2), 177-186, 2018
Kapita Selekta Bahasa Indonesia
N Resmini, T Hartati
Bandung: UPI Press, 2006
Evaluasi program pencegahan gizi buruk melalui promosi dan pemantauan pertumbuhan anak balita
DE Juliawan, YS Prabandari, TNS Hartini
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat 26 (1), 7-11, 2010
Multimedia dalam pengembangan literasi di sekolah dasar terpencil Jawa Barat
T Hartati
Jurnal AKRAB 6 (2), 44-51, 2015
Sastra anak berbasis ecoprenuership sebagai muatan pembelajaran literasi finansial di Sekolah Dasar
S Aryanto, T Hartati, B Maftuh, D Darmawan
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendas 8 (3), 722-737, 2022
Conferencing approach in promoting writing abilitiy: A classroom action research study on language creative writing in Indonesian language
T Hartati
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 7 (2), 294-301, 2017
Manajemen Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional
N Fattah, T Hartati, E Mulyasari
Jurnal Educationist 3 (1), 19-31, 2009
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Articles 1–20